Santa Barbara Botanic Garden’s 2022 Summer Virtual Lectures Continue on Friday, August 19 and Friday, September 16
Online Talks Address Biodiversity, Climate Change, and California Native Plants and Animals
Santa Barbara, Calif. – August 2, 2022 – Two online talks remain in Santa Barbara Botanic Garden’s 2022 Summer Virtual Lecture Series which explores research and conservation work of leading researchers and Garden staff about biodiversity; climate change; and California’s native plants, birds, and insects.
Registration is now open for lectures on Friday, August 19 and on Friday, September 16, both held online from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The cost for the public is $12 and $10 for Garden members. Once registered, participants receive an email with Zoom link. To register, see links below.
“Climate Change and Drought Extremes: A Critical Perspective from Ancient Trees in California” presented by Daniel Griffin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Geography, University of Minnesota
How is extreme drought in California connected to climate change and human activities? What can be learned about past and future climate using tree rings from old growth forests in California? Dr Griffin, a dendrochronologist (scientist who studies tree rings) connects the dots between humans, climate change, extreme drought, and native plants in the Golden State. To register, visit:
Three topics presented by Garden staff. To register:
- “Insect Declines in the Present and Future Caused by Human Impacts” presented by Kylie Etter, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden Conservation Technician
Etter focuses on what insects contribute to the environment, how they are affected by human environmental impacts and climate change (especially their present and future decline), and her current projects at the Garden. To register, visit:
- “What Role Do Cultivars of Native Plants (Nativars) Have in an Ecological Landscape?” by Keith Nevison, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden Director of Operations and Horticulture
Nevison explores the role of native plant cultivars (products of plant breeding) called nativars in an ecological landscape, He shares his master’s research for the genus Phlox and discusses why nativars should or should not be used in ecological landscaping.
- Invasion Biology Research Update by Zach Phillips, Ph.D., Santa Barbara Botanic Garden Terrestrial Invertebrate Conservation Ecologist
Dr. Phillips focuses on an invasive species that is the subject of his current research, and the relationship between invasion biology and climate change.