Together We Make a Difference

Transforming Knowledge Into Solutions
One Native Seed at a Time
Santa Barbara Botanic Garden uses knowledge to create practical solutions and scalable action. With our deep, collective understanding of the nature and evolution of plant diversity, we are protecting and restoring native plants and habitats, from backyards to the backcountry.
Far & wide
Our Impact Across California
Our work focuses on the California central coast and Channel Islands but increasingly takes us farther and farther afield: as far as Mendocino County to the north; Baja California, Mexico, to the south; and the Sierra Nevada to the east.

We have approximately 205,000 plant specimens in the Clifton Smith Herbarium, 95% of which have been databased and over 80,000 of which have been imaged for use by scientists worldwide.
Our Conservation Seed Bank safeguards more than 2,000,000 seeds representing 288 rare plant species. In 2020, we surveyed and mapped 354 rare plant populations, updating their statuses and assessing conservation needs.
In 2020, we surveyed 248 miles (399 kilometers) of regional trails and processed more than 5,000 invertebrate specimens to prioritize and plan habitat restoration efforts.
Explore Deeper

Understanding Biodiversity
At the Garden, our botanists and lichenologist endeavor to better understand California’s rich flora through the application of a wide variety of techniques, from field study to taxonomy to phylogenomics.

Protecting Rare Plants
At the Garden, our team of scientists work together to tackle complex conservation challenges with the goal of preventing extinction and fostering recovery in the wild.

Restoring Habitats
The Garden’s team of ecologists is conducting fire ecology and rare-plant pollination studies, experimental trials, and other habitat restoration work so that together we can create more resilient communities.

Channel Island Resources
Since the mid-1900s, the Garden has collaborated with numerous institutions to inform conservation on California’s Channel Islands. We’ve amassed an array of resources and tools that have improved conservation efforts.
The Power of Collaboration
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
— African Proverb
Across our projects, you’ll notice that we have many partners in this work, because it makes us better. This includes other non-governmental organizations like The Nature Conservancy, state entities like universities and state parks, and federal institutions from the Department of Defense to the National Park Service.

Bee (tribe Anthophorini) and sage (Salvia sp.)

Manzanita (Arctostaphylos sp.) and Anna’s hummingbird (Calypte anna)

Monarch (Danaus plexippus) on California buckeye (Aesculus californica)
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Allen‐Perkins, A., A. Magrach, M. Dainese, L.A. Garibaldi, D. Kleijn, R. Rader, … S. Cusser,… & A. Montero‐Castaño. 2022. CropPol: A dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination.
Carlquist, S., T.F. Stuessy, & E. Urtubey. 2022. Distinctive wood anatomy of early-diverging Asteraceae: Barnadesioideae. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 198(3): 259-284.
Ferguson, B.N., S.G. Gotsch, C.B. Williams, H. Wilson, C.N. Barnes, T.E. Dawson, & N.M. Nadkarni. 2022. Variation in cloud immersion, not precipitation, drives vascular epiphyte leaf trait plasticity and water relations during an extreme drought. American Journal of Botany 109(4):1–14.
Gotsch, S.G., C.B. Williams, R. Bicaba, R. Cruz-de Hoyos, A. Darby, K. Davidson, M. Dix, V. Duarte, A. Glunk, L. Green, B. Ferguson, K. Muñoz-Elizondo, J.G. Murray, I. Picado-Fallas, R. Reese Nӕsborg, T.E. Dawson & N. Nadkarni. 2022. Trade-offs between succulent and non-succulent epiphytes underlie variation in drought tolerance and avoidance. Oecologia 198: 645–661.
Kofron, C P., S.E. Termondt, L.H. Lum, H.E. Schneider, K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman, and C.M. Guilliams. 2022. Status of Lompoc yerba santa Eriodictyon capitatum (Namaceae): an endangered plant in Santa Barbara County, Southern California. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 121(3): 139-159.
Lybbert, A.H., S. Cusser, K.J.L. Hung, & K. Goodell. 2022. Ten‐year trends reveal declining quality of seeded pollinator habitat on reclaimed mines regardless of seed mix diversity.Ecological Applications,32(1), e02467.
Mueller G.M., K. Martins Cunha, T.W. May, J.L. Allen, J.R.S. Westrip, C. Canteiro, D. Henrique Costa-Rezende, E.R. Drechsler-Santos, A.M. Vasco-Palacios, M. Ainsworth, G. Alves-Silva, F. Bungartz, A. Chandler, S.C. Gonçalves, I. Krisai-Greilhuber, R. Iršėnaitė, J.B. Jordal, T. Kosmann, J. Lendemer, R.T. McMullin, A. Mešić, V. Motato-Vásquez, Y. Ohmura, R. Reese Næsborg, C. Perini, I. Saar, D. Simijaca, R. Yahr, & A. Dahlberg. 2022. What do the first 597 global fungal Red List assessments tell us about the threat status of fungi? Diversity 14(9): 736.
Mulroy, M., A.M. Fryday, A. Gersoff, J. Dart, R. Reese Næsborg, & N. Rajakaruna. 2022. Lichens of ultramafic substrates in North America: A Review. Botany. Doi: 10.1139/cjb-2021-0187.
Ostertag, R., C. Restrepo, J.W. Dalling, P.H. Martin, I. Abiem, S-I. Aiba, E. Alvarez-Dávila, R. Aragón, M. Ataroff, H. Chapman, A.Y. Cueva-Agila, B. Fadrique, R.D. Fernandez, G. González, S.G. Gotsch, A. Häger, J. Homeier, C. Iñiguez-Armijos, L.D. Llambí, G.W. Moore, R. Reese Næsborg, L.N. Poma López, P.V. Pompeu, J.R. Powell, J.A. Ramirez Correa, K. Scharnagl, C. Tobón, & C.B Williams. 2022. Litter decomposition rates across tropical montane and lowland forests are controlled foremost by climate. BioTropica 54(2): 309–326. Doi: 10.1111/btp.13044
Reese Næsborg, R. 2022. Lichens rock! (Even though they are affected by tree genetics). The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 103(2): e01959.
Reese Næsborg, R. 2022. Ramalina menziesii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022: e.T213314289A213315130.
Reese Næsborg, R., H. Root, & D. Stone. 2022. Trapeliopsis bisorediata. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022: e.T194674651A213314933.
Reese Næsborg, R. 2022. Xylopsora canopeorum. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022: e.T194662559A213315050.
Rick, T.C., A.M. Alsharekh, T.J. Braje, A. Crowther, J.M. Erlandson, D.Q. Fuller, K.M. Gill, H.S. Groucutt, M. Guagnin, R. Helm, C.A. Hofman, M. Horton, A. Kay, R. Korisettar, C. Radimilahy, L. Reeder-Myers, C. Shipton, H.T. Wright, M. Petraglia, & N. Boivin. 2022. Coring, profiling, and trenching: Archaeological field strategies for investigating the Pleistocene-Holocene-Anthropocene continuum. Quaternary International, February 9, 2022.
Simpson, M.G., K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman, M.E. Mabry, & M. Munoz-Schick. 2022. Johnstonella punensis (Boraginaceae), a new species endemic to the dry Puna of Chile. PhytoKeys 197: 149-164.
Technical Reports & Non-peer-reviewed Articles:
Guilliams, C.M., K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman, & H. Schneider. 2022. Census and conservation seed banking of northern island mallow (Malva assurgentiflora (Kell.) M.F. Ray subsp. assurgentiflora; Malvaceae) on San Miguel and Anacapa Islands, Channel Islands National Park. Unpublished report prepared for California Institute of Environmental Studies by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 20 pp.
Guilliams, C.M., and K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman. 2022. Conservation genomics of Lompoc yerba santa (Eriodictyon capitatum, Namaceae), including phylogenomic insights into the evolution of Eriodictyon. Unpublished report prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 35 pp.
Guilliams, C.M. 2022. 80,000+ herbarium specimens digitized, now on public data portal. Ironwood 32:8-9.
Guilliams, C.M., K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman, & B. Carter. 2022. Status assessment and conservation actions for sensitive and listed Dudleya (liveforever) taxa affected by the Woolsey Fire. Draft Annual Report, Year 2, prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 46 pp.
Hasenstab-Lehman K.E., S.N. Kauppinen, C.M. Guilliams, C.H. Hazelquist, D. Thompson, & A.K. McEachern. 2022. Using genetic data to guide conservation actions for the endangered single-island endemic plant Castilleja mollis (soft-leaved paint brush). Year 2 progress draft report prepared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA, 86 pp.
Hasenstab-Lehman K.E. & C.M. Guilliams. 2022. Conservation genomics of island mallow (Malva assurgentiflora, Malvaceae). Draft report prepared for California Institute of Environmental Studies by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA, 48 pp.
Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E. and C.M. Guilliams. 2022. Metabarcoding study of the San Clemente Island fox (Urocyon littoralis clementae) with a focus on invertebrate and plant contributions across sampling sites. Unpublished final report prepared for The U.S. Navy by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 40 pp.
Knapp, D.A., K. Etter, & S. Cusser. 2022. Floral visitors of Deinandra increscens ssp. villosa: 2021 findings report. Unpublished report prepared for Dudek by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 20 pp.
Knapp, D.A., K. Etter, & S. Cusser. 2022. Floral visitors of Deinandra increscens ssp. villosa: 2021 findings report prepared for Dudek by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 20 pp.
Knapp, D.A. 2022. Diplacus vandenbergensis census and experimental restoration trial. Final report prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 20 pp.
Namoff, S.M., K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman, C.M. Guilliams, & H.E. Schneider. 2022. Conservation genomics of island rush-rose (Crocanthemum greenei (B.L. Rob.) (Sorrie, Cistaceae): Effects of historical land management practices on the genetic structure and diversity of a Channel Islands endemic plant. Final draft report prepared for California Department of Fish and Wildlife by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 42 pp.
Phillips, Z.I., C.H. Richart, J. Flores, K. Etter, J. Sanderson, L. Warner, D. Zhang, H. Noroian, A.J. Martín, S. Cusser, and D.A. Knapp. 2022. San Clemente Island terrestrial invertebrate survey: Guiding biodiversity inventory, rare plant conservation, and habitat restoration. Draft final report prepared for the U.S. Navy by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 25 pp. plus two data sets.
Phillips, Z.I. 2022. Galls y’all. Ironwood 31: 14-17.
Phillips, Z.I. 2022. The long kiss goodnight: Following an invasive ant-mimicking spider from Texas to California. Ironwood 32: 18-21.
Reese Næsborg, R. & C.B. Williams. 2022. The amazing coast redwood. Ironwood 31(2): 6.
Schneider, H.E. & S.A. Carson. 2022. A comprehensive collaborative project to recover 14 listed plant species on the Channel Islands – Final Report. Unpublished report prepared for California Department of Fish and Wildlife by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 196 pp.
Schneider, H.E. & S.A. Carson. 2022. Saving for the future: conservation seed banking in the BLM Central California District. Final Report. Unpublished report prepared for the Bureau of Land Management by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 53 pp.
Schneider, H., K. Lehman, K. Mason, S. Carson, & M. Guilliams. 2022. Understanding and conserving the endangered Kern mallow (Eremalche parryi ssp. kernensis) Annual Report. Prepared for the Bureau of Land Management by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 19 pp.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Allen, J., R. Yahr, C. Lymbery, R. Batallas-Molina, F. Bungartz, M. Dal Forno, N. Howe, J. Lendemer, T. McMullin, A. Mertens, M. Petix, R. Reese Næsborg, F. Roberts, S. Sharrett, & J. Villella. 2021. Canoparmelia caroliniana. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T194662208A194678189.
Allen, J., R. Yahr, C. Lymbery, R. Batallas-Molina, F. Bungartz, L. Calabria, M. Dal Forno, N. Howe, J. Lendemer, T. McMullin, A. Mertens, H. Paquette, M. Petix, R. Reese Næsborg, F. Roberts, S. Sharrett, & J. Villella. 2021. Flavoparmelia baltimorensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T194662214A194678194.
Allen, J., R. Yahr, C. Lymbery, R. Batallas-Molina, M. Dal Forno, N. Howe, J. Lendemer, T. McMullin, A. Mertens, M. Petix, R. Reese Næsborg, F. Roberts, S. Sharrett, & J. Villella. 2021. Melanohalea halei. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T194662493A194678204.
Allen, J., R. Yahr, C. Lymbery, R. Batallas-Molina, F. Bungartz, M. Dal Forno, M. Hodges, J. Lendemer, T. McMullin, A. Mertens, H. Paquette, M. Petix, R. Reese Næsborg, F. Roberts, S. Sharrett, A. Spielmann, & J. Villella. 2021. Parmotrema perforatum. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T194661584A194678159.
Etter, K.J., G. Junquera, J. Horvet-French, R. Alarcón, K.-L.J. Hung, & D.A. Holway 2021. Interspecific pollen transport between non-native fennel and an island endemic buckwheat: Assessment of the magnet effect. Biological Invasions, 24(1), 139–155.
Gill, K.M., T.J. Braje, K. Smith, & J.M. Erlandson. 2021. Earliest evidence for geophyte use in North America: 11,500-year old archaebotanical remains from California’s Santarosae Island. American Antiquity 86(3): 625-637. Doi: 10.1017/aaq.2021.31
Guilliams, C.M., K. Hasenstab-Lehman, J. Bailey, M. Bailey. 2021. Noteworthy collection, California, Cyrtomium falcatum, Santa Cruz Island. Madroño 68(2): 67-68.
Guilliams, C.M. 2021. Gruvelia, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, Revision 9,
Guilliams, C.M. & K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman. 2021. Simpsonanthus, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, Revision 9,
Guilliams, C.M. & Ronald B. Kelley. 2021. Pectocarya in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, Revision 9,
Gusick, A.G., J. Perry, K.M. Gill, & W. Teeter. 2021. A trans-holocene approach to assess maritime development on the California Channel Islands archipelago: A case study from Eel Point, San Clemente Island. Quaternary International597: 37-49.
K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman, Kelley, R.B., & M.G. Simpson. 2021. Oreocarya, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, Revision 9,
Kelley, R.B. & C.M. Guilliams. 2021. Plagiobothrys, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, Revision 9,
Kelley, R.B., Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E. & M.G. Simpson. 2021. Greeneocharis, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, Revision 9,
Koçillari, L., M.E. Olson, S. Suweis, R.P. Rocha, A. Lovison, F. Cardin, T.E. Dawson, A. Echeverría, A. Fajardo, S. Lechthaler, C. Martínez-Pérez, C.R. Marcati, K.-F. Chung, J.A. Rosell, A. Segovia-Rivas, C.B. Williams, E. Petrone-Mendoza, A. Rinaldo, T. Anfodillo, J.R. Banavar, & A. Maritan. 2021. The Widened Pipe Model of plant hydraulic evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118:e2100314118.
Reese Næsborg, R., M.K. Lau, R. Michalet, C.B. Williams, & T.G. Whitham. 2021. Tree genotypes affect rock lichens and understory plants: examples of trophic-independent interactions. Ecology 103(2): e03589.
Reese Næsborg, R. 2021. Calicium sequoiae. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T 180412795A184974492.
Schneider, H.E., S.A. Carson, & S.E. Termondt. 2021. Smoke-induced germination in the endangered Eriodictyon capitatum (Namaceae). Madrono 68:87–98.
Simpson, M.G., Guilliams, C.M., Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E., & R.B. Kelley. 2021. Boraginaceae, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, Revision 9,
Simpson, M.G., Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E., Mabry, M.E., and R.B. Kelley. 2021. Cryptantha, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, Revision 9,
Simpson, M.G., Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E. & Ronald B. Kelley. 2021. Johnstonella, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, Revision 9,
Williams, C.B., R. Reese Næsborg, A.R. Ambrose, W.L. Baxter, G.W. Koch, T.E. Dawson. 2021. The dynamics of stem water storage in the tops of Earth’s largest trees—Sequoiadendron giganteum. Tree Physiology 41(12): 2262–2278. DOI: 10.1093/treephys/tpab078
Yahr, R., J. Allen, C. Lymbery, R. Batallas-Molina, F. Bungartz, M. Dal Forno, N. Howe, J. Lendemer, T. McMullin, A. Mertens, H. Paquette, M. Petix, R. Reese Næsborg, F. Roberts, S. Sharrett, & J. Villella. 2021. Parmelia saxatilis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T194660573A194678129.
Yahr, R., J. Allen, C. Lymbery, R. Batallas-Molina, M. Dal Forno, N. Howe, J. Lendemer, T. McMullin, A. Mertens, M. Petix, R. Reese Næsborg, F. Roberts, S. Sharrett, & J. Villella. 2021. Parmelia squarrosa. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T194660642A194678134.
Yahr, R., J. Allen, C. Lymbery, R. Batallas-Molina, F. Bungartz, M. Dal Forno, N. Howe, J. Lendemer, T. McMullin, A. Mertens, H. Paquette, M. Petix, R. Reese Næsborg, F. Roberts, S. Sharrett, & J. Villella. 2021. Parmeliopsis ambigua. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T194660719A194678139.
Yahr, R., J. Allen, C. Lymbery, R. Batallas-Molina, F. Bungartz, M. Dal Forno, N. Howe, J. Lendemer, T. McMullin, A. Mertens, H. Paquette, M. Petix, R. Reese Næsborg, F. Roberts, S. Sharrett, & J. Villella. 2021. Parmeliopsis hyperopta. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T194660868A194678144.
Yahr, R., J. Allen, C. Lymbery, R. Batallas-Molina, F. Bungartz, M. Dal Forno, N. Howe, J. Lendemer, T. McMullin, A. Mertens, H. Paquette, M. Petix, R. Reese Næsborg, F. Roberts, S. Sharrett, A. Spielmann, R. Vargas, & J. Villella. 2021. Parmotrema crinitum. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T194661476A194678149.
Yahr, R., J. Allen, C. Lymbery, R. Batallas-Molina, F. Bungartz, M. Dal Forno, N. Howe, J. Lendemer, T. McMullin, A. Mertens, H. Paquette, M. Petix, R. Reese Næsborg, F. Roberts, S. Sharrett, & J. Villella. 2021. Parmotrema hypotropum. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T194661553A194678154.
Technical Reports & Non-peer-reviewed Articles:
Collins, P.W., D.A. Knapp, and K. Etter. 2021. Channel Islands birds: A gap analysis of specimen and observation data. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 36 pages.
Guilliams, C.M., & K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman. 2021. Conservation genomics of the endangered Indian Knob mountainbalm (Eriodictyon altisssimum, Namaceae). Unpublished report to US FIsh and Wildlife Service. Santa Barbara, CA. 27 pp.
Guilliams, C.M., K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman, J. Lesage, K. Etter, & D. Knapp. 2021. Gap analysis of the California Channel Islands: Vascular plants. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 56 pages.
Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E., Guilliams, C.M., McEachern, K.A., & Thompson, D.A. 2021. Using genetics data to guide conservation actions for the endangered single-island endemic plant Castilleja mollis Pennel (soft-leaved island paintbrush). Unpublished report to US FIsh and Wildlife Service. Santa Barbara, CA. 15 pp.
Knapp, D. 2021. 2021 annual report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Diplacus vandenbergensis. Cooperative Agreement Award F19AC00721 (“Recovery actions for two endangered plant species”). Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 10 pp.
Knapp, D. & M. Ball. 2021. Burton Mesa Ecological Reserve invasive plant management project. Unpublished final report prepared for Santa Barbara County Planning and Development Department. 19 pp.
Knapp, D., B.V. Brown, K. Etter, and C. Richart. 2021. Channel Islands invertebrates: A gap analysis of specimen and observation data. Unpublished report prepared for The Nature Conservancy by Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 128 pp.
Knapp, D. & S. Calloway. 2021. Conservation of Chloropyron maritimum subsp. maritimum, salt marsh bird’s beak. Unpublished final report prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ventura, by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden: Annual report for 2020. Santa Barbara, California. 16 pp.
Knapp, D., P.W. Collins, and K. Etter. 2021. Channel Islands mammals: A gap analysis of specimen and observation data. Unpublished report prepared for The Nature Conservancy by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 28 pp.
Knapp, D.A., K. Etter, C. Richart, & J. Lesage. 2021.Flower visitors of Deinandra increscens ssp. villosa: 2020 findings report. Unpublished report prepared for Dudek by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 35 pp.
Pauly, G.B., D. Knapp, and K. Etter. 2021. Assessing the history of reptile and amphibian specimen collecting on California’s Channel Islands. Unpublished report prepared for The Nature Conservancy by Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 33 pp.
Reese Næsborg, R. 2021. Recovery of Dudleya verity K. Nakai after severe fire by reestablishment of lichen communities. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 8 pp.
Reese Næsborg, R. 2021. Gap analysis of California Channel Islands: Lichens. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 36 pp.
Schneider, H.E., K.M. Mason & S.A. Carson. 2021. A comprehensive collaborative project to recover 14 listed plant species on the Channel Islands – 2021 annual report. Unpublished report to the California Department of Fish & Wildlife, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 60 pp.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Carlquist, S. & M.E. Olson. Wood anatomy of Argophyllaceae (Asterales): Adaptation in a small clade. Aliso 38(1): 62-75.
Erlandson, J.M., T.J. Braje, A.F. Ainis, B.J. Culleton, K.M. Gill, C.A. Hofman, D.J. Kennett, L.A. Reeder-Myers, and T.C. Rick. 2020. Maritime Paleoindian technology, subsistence, and ecology at an ~11,700 year old Paleocoastal site on California’s Northern Channel Islands, USA. PLOS ONE. Published online 17 Sept 2020, DOI:10.1371/journalpone.0238866
Guilliams, C.M., K. Hasenstab-Lehman, & B.G. Baldwin. 2020. Nomenclatural changes in western North American Amsinckiinae (Boraginaceae). Novon 28:51-59.
Hassler, M.F., Harrison, D.P., Jones T.H., Richart, C.H., & Saporito R.A. 2020. Gosodesmine, a 7-Substituted Hexahydroindolizine from the Millipede Gosodesmus claremontus. Journal of Natural Products, 83(9), 2764–2768.
Huang, Y., G. Morrison, A. Brelsford, J. Franklin, D.D. Jolles, J. Keeley, V.T. Parker, N. Saavedra, A. Sanders, T.R. Stoughton, G.A. Wahlert, & A. Litt. 2020. Subspecies differentiation in an enigmatic chaparral shrub species.American Journal of Botany107(6): 1–18.
Knope, M.L., V.A. Funk, M.A. Johnson, W.L. Wagner, E.M. Datlof, G. Johnson, D.J. Crawford, J.M. Bonifacino, C.W. Morden, D.H. Lorence, K.R. Wood, J.Y. Meyer, & S. Carlquist. 2020. Dispersal and adaptive radiation of Bidens (Compositae) across the remote archipelagoes of Polynesia. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 58(6): 805-822.
Lesage, J.C., D.Press, & K.D. Holl. 2020. Lessons from the reintroduction of listed plant species in California. Biodiversity and Conservation 29: 3703–3716.
Reese Næsborg, R. 2020. Niebla ramosissima. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T175709793A175710677.
Robinson, D.W., K. Brown, M. McMenemy, L. Dennany, M.J. Baker, P. Allan, C. Cartwright, J. Bernard, F. Sturt, E. Kotoula, C. Jazwa, K.M. Gill, P. Randolph-Quinney, T. Ash, C. Bedford, D. Gandy, M. Armstrong, J. Miles, and D. Haviland. 2020. Datura quids at Pinwheel Cave, California, provide unambiguous confirmation of the ingestion of hallucinogens at a rock art site. PNAS December 8, 2020 117 (49) 31026-31037.
Shear, W.A., C.H. Richart, & V.L. Wong. (2020). The millipede family Conotylidae in northwestern North America, with a complete bibliography of the family (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida, Heterochordeumatidea, Conotyloidea). Zootaxa, 4753(1), 1–78.
Uyeda, K.A., D.A. Stow, & C.H. Richart. 2020. Assessment of volunteered geographic information for vegetation mapping. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment 192:554.
Williams, C.B., J.G. Murray, A. Glunk, T.E. Dawson, N.M. Nadkarni, & S.G. Gotsch. 2020. Vascular epiphytes show low physiological resistance and high recovery capacity to episodic, short-term drought in Monteverde, Costa Rica. Functional Ecology 34:1537–1550.
Yost, J.M., and 39 others, including C.M. Guilliams and G.A. Wahlert. 2020. The California Phenology Collections Network: using digital images to investigate phenological change in a biodiversity hotspot. Madroño 66(4): 130-141.
Technical Reports & Non-peer-reviewed Articles:
Hasenstab-Lehman, K. & C.M. Guilliams. 2020. Evaluating taxonomic circumscription in Dudleya cymosa and D. parva using high-throughput restriction-site associated DNA sequencing, with an emphasis on rare and potentially undescribed subspecies in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 37 pages.
Hasenstab–Lehman, K., C.M. Guilliams, & E.A. Thomas. 2020. California Channel Islands Reference Library. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, California. 21 pages.
Hasenstab-Lehman, K., C.M. Guilliams, R.R. Naesborg, & C. Richart. 2020. Biodiversity Conservation on San Nicolas Island. Ironwood 28(2): 4-7.
Guilliams, C.M. & K. Hasenstab-Lehman. 2020. High-throughput sequencing reveals a complicated evolutionary history between endangered Dudleya verityi, (Crassulaceae) and a widespread congener, D. lanceolata. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 45 pages.
Guilliams, C.M. & K. Hasenstab-Lehman. 2020. Naval Base Ventura County, San Nicolas Island Terrestrial Flora Program Draft Final Report: Developing Botanical Resources for U.S. Navy California Channel Islands: Specimen Processing and Imaging, and a Checklist for San Nicolas Island. Cooperative Agreement N62473-17-2-0005. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 61 pages.
Guilliams, C.M.& K. Hasenstab-Lehman. 2020. Checklist of the vascular flora of San Nicolas Island, California, Version 1. Originally published online May 1, 2020, updated continually thereafter.
Knapp, D.A. 2020. Naval Base Ventura County, San Nicolas Island Terrestrial Flora Program Draft Final Report: Mesembryanthemum crystallinum experiment 2019 field monitoring. Cooperative Agreement N62473-17-2-0005. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 17 pages.
Knapp, D.A. 2020. Naval Base Ventura County, San Nicolas Island Terrestrial Flora Program Draft Final Report: Grey literature databasing. Cooperative Agreement N62473-17-2-0005. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 15 pages.
Knapp, D.A. 2020.2020Annual Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Diplacus vandenbergensis. Cooperative Agreement Award F19AC00721 (“Recovery actions for two endangered plant species”). Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 12 pages.
Reese Næsborg, R. 2020. Recovery of Dudleya verity K. Nakai after severe fire by reestablishment of lichen communities. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 7 pages.
Reese Næsborg, R. 2020. Rare and endangered. Niebla ramosissima. Ironwood 28 (2): 19.
Schneider, H.E. & S.A. Carson. 2020. A comprehensive collaborative project to recover 14 listed plant species on the Channel Islands – 2020 annual report. Unpublished report to the California Department of Fish & Wildlife, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 54 pages.
Book Sections:
Guilliams, C.M. 2020. Gruvelia. For: The Flora of Oregon, Corvallis, OR.
Guilliams, C.M. 2020. Sonnea. For: The Flora of Oregon, Corvallis, OR.
Guilliams, C.M. and R.B. Kelley. 2020. Pectocarya. For: The Flora of Oregon, Corvallis, OR.
Guilliams, C.M., K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman,and R. Kelley. 2020. Amsinckiopsis. For: The Flora of Oregon, Corvallis, OR.
Guilliams, C.M., K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman,and R. Kelley. 2020. Plagiobothrys. For: The Flora of Oregon, Corvallis, OR.
Books & Book Chapters:
Gill, K.M., M. Fauvelle, & J.M. Erlandson, eds. 2019. An archaeology of abundance: Reevaluating the marginality of California’s islands. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 326 pages.
Gill, K.M., J.M. Erlandson, K. Niessen, K. Hoppa, & D. Merrick. 2019. Where carbohydrates were key: Reassessing the marginality of terrestrial plant resources on California’s islands. Pages 98-134 in: Gill, K.M., M. Fauvelle, and J.M. Erlandson, eds. An archaeology of abundance: Reevaluating the marginality of California’s islands. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Schlising, R., E. Gottschalk Fisher, C.M. Guilliams, & B. Castro eds. 2019. Vernal Pool Landscapes: Past, Present, and Future. Studies from the Herbarium, Number 20, California State University, Chico.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Escudero, N., J. Gasca-Pineda, R. Bello, C.M. Guilliams, & M.C. Arteaga 2019. Genetic and phenotypic diversity of Branchinecta sandiegonensis in the vernal pools of Baja California, México. Zootaxa 4646(1): 145-163.
Guilliams, C.M. 2019. Reconsidering northern and southern taxa of island mallow (Malva assurgentiflora, Malvaceae) and their conservation status on the California Channel Islands. Phytoneuron, 2019-43: 1-13.
Kofron, C.P., C. Rutherford, L.E. Andreano, M.J. Walgren & H.E. Schneider. 2019. Status of the endangered Indian Knob mountainbalm Eriodictyon altissimum (Namaceae) in central coastal California. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 118: 21-41.
Reese Næsborg, R., E.B. Peterson, & Tibell. 2019. Chaenotheca longispora (Coniocybaceae),a new lichen from coast redwood trees in California, U.S.A. The Bryologist 122: 31–37.
Richart, C. H., L.F. Chichester, B. Boyer, & T.A. Pearce. 2019. Rediscovery of the southern California endemic American Keeled Slug Anadenulus cockerelli (Hemphill, 1890) after a 68-year hiatus. Journal of Natural History, 53: 1515–1531.
Simpson, M.G., M.E. Mabry, & K. Hasenstab-Lehman. 2019. Transfer of six species of Cryptantha to the genus Johnstonella (Boraginaceae). Phytotaxa 425:279–289.
Wilken, D. 2019. Reassessment and circumscription of Ipomopsis multiflora and Ipomopsis polyantha (Polemoniaceae). Madroño66: 87-91.
Yost, J.M. and 42 other authors, including Wahlert, G. 2019. The California Phenology Collections Network: Using digital images to investigate phenological change in a biodiversity hotspot. Madroño66: 130–141.
Peer-reviewed Symposium Proceedings:
Knapp, D.A., J.J. Knapp, K.A. Stahlheber, & T. Dudley. 2019. A little goes a long way when controlling invasive plants for biodiversity conservation. Pp. 643-650 In: C.R. Veitch, M.N. Clout, A.R. Martin, J.C. Russell, and C.J. West (eds.). Island invasives: Scaling up to meet the challenge. Occasional Paper SSC no. 62, Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.
Technical Reports & Non-peer-reviewed Articles:
Guilliams, C.M., K. Hasenstab-Lehman, & A.J. Searcy. Winter 2019/2020. Community scientists use iNaturalist to map the distribution of a weed on-the-move: Urospermum picroides (Asteraceae). Dispatch, Cal-IPC Newsletter 27(3): 4-5.
Knapp, D. & S. Calloway. 2019. Illuminating botanical blackholes to inform habitat restoration in the Zaca and Jesusita fire scars. Unpublished final report prepared for the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. Santa Barbara, California.
Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E. & C.M. Guilliams. 2019. Draft report on the conservation genetics of beach spectaclepod (Dithyrea maritima (Davison) Davison; Brassicaceae). Unpublished report submitted to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Schneider, H.E. & S.A. Carson. 2019. Lompoc yerba santa (Eriodictyon capitatum) germination study – Final Project Report 2019. Unpublished Report, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 13 pp.
Schneider, H.E. & S.A. Carson. 2019. Santa Cruz Island Dudleya (Dudleya nesiotica) Survey – Final Project Report 2019. Unpublished Report, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 16 pp.
Schneider, H.E. & S.A. Carson. 2019. A comprehensive collaborative project to recover 14 listed plant species on the Channel Islands – 2019 annual report. Unpublished report to the California Department of Fish & Wildlife, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 68 pages.
Schneider, H.E. 2019. Rare plant survey and data management – project final report. Unpublished Report, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 17 pp.
Books & Book Chapters:
Maschinski, J., C. Walters, E. Guerrant, S. Murray, M. Kunz, H. Schneider, J. Affolter, T Gurnoe, N. Fraga, K. Havens, P. Vitt, K.D. Heineman & C. Horn. 2018. Collecting seeds from wild plant populations. Pages 1-10 – 1-23 In CPC Best plant conservation practices to support species survival in the wild. Center for Plant Conservation, San Diego, CA.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Carlquist, S. 2018. Living cells in wood 3. Overview; Functional anatomy of the parenchyma network. Botanical Review 84: 242-294.
Carlquist, S. 2018. Wood anatomy of Atherospermataceae and allies: Strategies of wood evolution in basal Angiosperms. Allertonia 17: 1-52.
Carlquist, S. & P.H. Raven. 2018. Vestured pits in wood of Onagraceae: Correlations with ecology, habit, and phylogeny. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 103(3): 443-461.
Carlquist, S. 2018. “Primitive” wood characters are adaptive: Examples from Paracryphiaceae. Aliso 36: 1-20.
Carter, B.E., W.F. Hoyer, III, J. Dunn, S. Junak, & C.M. Guilliams 2018. New additions to the flora of San Nicolas Island, Ventura County, California. Aliso 36: 1-6.
Carter, B.E. & C.M. Guilliams 2018. Biogeographic patterns among seed-bearing and spore-bearing plants across the California Channel Islands. Western North American Naturalist 78(4): 699-710.
Hoyer, W.III, J. Knapp, D. Knapp, D. Mazurkiewicz, K. Owen, L. Luna-Mendoza, & K. McEachern. 2018. Islands of the Californias Botanical Collaborative. Western North American Naturalist 78(4): 902-909.
Mack, J.S., H.E. Schneider, & K.H. Berry. 2018. Crowding affects health, growth, and behavior in headstart pens for Agassiz’s desert tortoise. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 17: 14-26.
Randall, J.R., K.McEachern, J. Knapp, P. Power, S. Junak, K. Gill, D. Knapp, & M. Guilliams. 2018. Informing our successors: What botanical information for Santa Cruz Island will researchers and conservation managers in the century ahead need the most? Western North American Naturalist 78(4): 888-901.
Rick, T.C., T.J. Braje, J.M. Erlandson, K.M. Gill, L. Kirn, & L. McLaren-Dewey. 2018. Horizon scanning: Survey and research priorities for cultural, historical, and paleobiological resources of Santa Cruz Island, California. Western North American Naturalist 78(4): Article 43.
Technical Reports & Non-peer-reviewed Articles:
Guilliams, C.M. 2018. Naval Base Ventura County, San Nicolas Island Erosion Control Program Final Report: Results of surveys for Dithyrea maritima on San Nicolas Island. Cooperative Agreement Number N62473-14-2-00015. Unpublished report. Santa Barbara, California.
Guilliams, C.M., A.I. Hernandez, & K. Hasenstab-Lehman. 2018. Naval Base Ventura County, San Nicolas Island Erosion Control Program Final Report: Population genetic study of island mallow (Malva assurgentiflora) across the Channel Islands archipelago to assess provenance of plants from San Nicolas Island. Cooperative Agreement Number N62473-14-2-00015. Unpublished report. Santa Barbara, California.
Holzman, B.A., G. Block, G.J. McChesney, J.A. Shore & Q. Clark. 2018. Site-specific protocol for monitoring plants: Southeast Farallon Island, Farallon National Wildlife Refuge. Report prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Farallon Islands National Wildlife Refuge. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA.
Knapp, D.A., F. Light, & C. Garoutte. 2018. Naval Base Ventura County, San Nicolas Island erosion control program final report: Mesembryanthemum crystallinum impacts and habitat restoration. Cooperative Agreement N62473-14-2-0005. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California.
Schneider, H.E., S.E. Termondt, & C.M. Guilliams. 2018. Rare plant surveys and conservation seed collections in the California Floristic Province in Baja California, Mexico final report. Unpublished report, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. 13 pp.
Schneider, H.E., S.E. Termondt, & H. Federlein. 2018. Sanicula maritima (adobe sanicle) root propagation study. Unpublished report, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 23 pp.
Books & Book Chapters:
Riley, J. with contributions by S. Alfaro, M.C. Arteaga, C.M. Guilliams, K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman, A. Garcia Peralta, & J. Simancas. 2017. A Field Guide to the Vernal Pools of Baja California, Mexico. Jardín Botanico de San Quintín, San Quintín.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Carlquist, S. 2017. Conifer tracheids resolve conflicting structural requirements: Data, hypothesis, questions. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 11(1): 123-141.
Carlquist, S. & C.M. Guilliams 2017. Distinctive wood anatomy of the root-parasitic family Lennoaceae (Boraginales). IAWA Journal 38 (1): 3-12.
Erlandson, J.M., K.M. Gill, A. Gusick, & A.E. Dorrler. 2017. Identifying shell middens with historic aerial photos: An example from California’s Santa Cruz Island. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, DOI: 10.1080/15564894.2017.1324926.
Guilliams, C.M., K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman, M. Mabry, & M.G. Simpson 2017. Memoirs of a frequent flier: phylogenomics reveals 18 long-distance dispersals in the popcorn flowers (Amsinckiinae, Boraginaceae). American Journal of Botany, Special Issue on American Amphitropical Disjunction, 104: 1717-1728.
Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E. 2017. Phylogenetics of the borage family: delimiting Boraginaceae and assessing closest relatives. Aliso 35(1) 41-49.
Simpson, M.G., C.M. Guilliams, K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman, M. Mabry, & L. Ripma 2017. Phylogeny of the popcorn flowers: Use of genome skimming to evaluate monophyly and interrelationships in subtribe Amsinckiinae (Boraginaceae). Taxon 66 (6): 1406-1420.
Simpson, M.G., L. Johnson, T. Villaverde, & C.M. Guilliams 2017. American amphitropical disjunct plants: insights and recent evidence. American Journal of Botany, Special Issue on American Amphitropical Disjunction, 104: 1600-1650.
Simpson, M.G., C.M. Guilliams, & L. Johnson 2017. Patterns and processes of American amphitropical disjunctions: new insights. American Journal of Botany, Special Issue on American Amphitropical Disjunction, 104: 1597-1599.
Technical Reports & Non-peer-reviewed Articles:
Guilliams, C.M., B.E. Carter, M.L. Ceceña Sánchez, J. Delgadillo, B. Holzman, S. Junak, D. Knapp, L.L. Mendoza, & S. Vanderplank. 2017. The remarkable flora of California Islands. Fremontia 45(3): 5-11.
Knapp, D.A., D.Borjes-Flores, P. Dixon, W. Hoyer, J. Knapp, L. Luna, K. McEachern, J. Montoya, B. Munson, P. Power, & J. Randall. 2017. The future of California Islands conservation in a changing world. Fremontia 45(3).
Knapp, D. & H. Schneider. 2017. Conservation of salt marsh bird’s beak (Chloropyron maritimum subsp. maritimum). Unpublished final report prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ventura, by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. Santa Barbara, California.
McEachern, K., P. Dixon, E. Havstad, W. Hoyer, D. Knapp, J. Knapp, L. Luna-Mendoza, B. Munson, & H. Schneider. 2017. The struggle for recovery. Fremontia 45: 32-36.
Schneider, H.E. & S.M. Calloway. 2017. Habitat management and post-fire rehab for Vandenberg AFB, California: Eriogonum parvifolium surveys – Final Report 2017. Unpublished report, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 20 pp.
Schneider, H.E. & S.M. Calloway. 2017. Habitat Management for Vandenberg AFB, California: Layia carnosa surveys – Final Report 2017. Unpublished report, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 17 pp.
Schneider, H.E. 2017. Final Report – Sanicula maritima (adobe sanicle) seed germination study. Unpublished report, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 7 pp.
Books & Book Chapters:
Schlising, R., E. Gottschalk Fisher, & C.M. Guilliams eds. 2016. Vernal Pools in Changing Landscapes. Studies from the Herbarium, Number 18, California State University, Chico.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Burge, D., J. Rebman, M. Mulligan, & D. Wilken. 2017. Three edaphic-endemic Ceanothus (Rhamnaceae) new to Science. Systematic Botany 42: 529-542.
Burge, D, K. Zhukovsky, & D. Wilken. 2016. A taxonomic conspectus of Ceanothus subgenus Cerastes (Rhamnaceae). Systematic Botany 40: 950-961.
Carlquist, S. 2016. Wood anatomy of Brassicales: new information, evolutionary concepts. Botanical Review 82: 24-90.
Carlquist, S. & M. Nazare. 2016. SEM studies of two riparian New Caledonian conifers reveal air channels in stem. Wood; Field observations. Aliso 34: 1-7.
Chacón, J., F. Luebert, H. Hilger, S. Ovchinnikova, F. Selvi, L. Cecchi, C.M. Guilliams, K. Hasenstab-Lehman, K. Sutorý, M.G. Simpson, & M. Weigend 2016. The borage family (Boraginaceae s.str.): A revised infrafamilial classification based on new phylogenetic evidence, with emphasis on the placement of some enigmatic genera. Taxon 65 (3): 523-546.
Dvorak, T.M, A. Catalano, & C.M. Guilliams. 2016. Monitoring within non-native ungulate enclosures documents the inherent size of Crocanthenum greenei (Cistaceae). Phytokeys 70: 11-16 (doi; 10.3897/phytokeys.70.9363).
Guilliams, C.M., K. Hasenstab-Lehman, José Delgadillo, & B.G. Baldwin 2016. Vernal pool landscapes of Baja California, México: an on-going project to assess vernal pool loss and protect what remains. Studies from the Herbarium, Number 18, California State University, Chico.
Guilliams, C.M., T. Jang, & B.G. Baldwin 2016. Molecular and morphological evidence for recognition of two species within Harpagonella (Amsinckiinae, Boraginaceae). Phytokeys 70: 17-30 (doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.70.9053).
Luebert, F., L. Cecchi, M.W. Frohlich, M. Gottschling, C.M. Guilliams, K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman & 15 others 2016. Familial classification of the Boraginales. Taxon 65 (3): 502-522.
Schneider, A.C., W.A. Freyman, C.M. Guilliams, Y.P. Springer, & B.G. Baldwin 2016. Pleistocene radiation of the serpentine-adapted genus Hesperolinon and other divergence times in Linaceae (Malpighiales). American Journal of Botany 103: 221-232.
Technical Reports & Non-peer-reviewed Articles:
Gill, K.M. 2016. 10,000 years of geophyte use among the island Chumash of the northern Channel Islands. Fremontia 44(3): 34-38.
Guilliams, C.M. 2016. Madroño Vol. 63 Dedication to Michael G. Simpson. Madroño 63(1): 1-2.
Wilken, D. 2016. Rarity, threats, and the conservation status of California geophytes. Fremontia 44: 20-26.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Carlquist, S. 2015. Living cells in wood 1: Absence, scarcity and histology of axial parenchyma as keys to function. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 177: 291-321.
Carlquist, S. 2015. Living cells in wood 2: Raylessness histology and evolutionary significance. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 178: 529-555.
Felger, R.S., S. Rutman, C.M. Guilliams, & J. Malusa 2015. Ajo Peak to Tinajas Altas: Flora of Southwestern Arizona: Part 10, Eudicots: Berberidaceae, Bignoniaceae, and Boraginaceae. Phytoneuron 2015-1: 1-60.
Technical Reports & Non-peer-reviewed Articles:
Guilliams, C.M. 2015. The Lichens of the Channel Islands: new book project uses Garden herbarium. Ironwood 23 (2): 3.
Guilliams, C.M. 2015. The Flora of Santa Catalina Island: A partnership between the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden and the Catalina Island Conservancy. Ironwood 22 (4): 4-5.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Carlquist, S. 2014. Fibre dimorphism: Cell type diversification as an evolutionary strategy in angiosperm woods. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 174: 44-67.
Carlquist, S. 2014. Origins and nature of vessels in monocotyledons. 14. Vessellessness in Orontioideae (Araceae): adaptation or relictualism? Nordic Journal of Botany (with Edward L. Schneider).
Guilliams, C.M. & J.M. Miller 2014. Calandrinia, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora,, accessed on Dec 23 2014.
Guilliams, C.M. & J.M. Miller 2014. Calyptridium, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora,, accessed on Dec 23 2014.
Knapp, D.A. 2014. Ecosystem restoration on Santa Catalina Island: A review of potential approaches and the promise of bottom-up invader management. Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist 7: 421-434.
Technical Reports & Non-peer-reviewed Articles:
Corona, G., C.M. Guilliams & S. Vanderplank 2014. Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de Centromadia perennis Greene de acuerdo al numeral 5.7 de la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. Prepared for Sociedad de Plantas Nativas de Baja California. 17 pages.
Corona, G., C.M. Guilliams & S. Vanderplank 2014. Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de Adenothamnus validus (Brandegee) D.D. Keck de acuerdo al numeral 5.7 de la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. Prepared for Sociedad de Plantas Nativas de Baja California. 20 pages.
Corona, G., C.M. Guilliams & S. Vanderplank 2014. Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de Chenopodium flabellifolium Standley de acuerdo al numeral 5.7 de la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. Prepared for Sociedad de Plantas Nativas de Baja California. 21 pages.
Corona, G., C.M. Guilliams & S. Vanderplank 2014. Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de Dudleya anthonyi Rose de acuerdo al numeral 5.7 de la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. Prepared for Sociedad de Plantas Nativas de Baja California. 21 pages.
Corona, G., C.M. Guilliams & S. Vanderplank 2014. Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de Eryngium aristulatum Jeps. var. parishii (J.M. Coult. y Rose) Mathias y Constance de acuerdo al numeral 5.7 de la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. Prepared for Sociedad de Plantas Nativas de Baja California. 24 pages.
Corona, G., C.M. Guilliams & S. Vanderplank 2014. Evaluación del riesgo de extinción de Navarretia fossalis Moran, de acuerdo al numeral 5.7 de la NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010. Prepared for Sociedad de Plantas Nativas de Baja California. 24 pages.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Carlquist, S. 2013. More woodiness/ less woodiness: Evolutionary avenues, ontogenetic mechanisms. International Journal of Plant Science 174(7): 964-991.
Carlquist, S., B.F. Hansen, H.H. Iltis, M.E. Olson, & D.L. Geiger. 2013. Forchhammeria and Stixis (Brassicales): Stem and wood anatomical diversity, ecological and phylogenetic conclusions. Aliso 31: 59-75.
Books & Book Chapters:
Baldwin, B., D. Goldman, D. Keil, R. Patterson, T. Rosatti, & D. Wilken (eds.). 2012. The Jepson Manual, 2nd Edition. University of California Press, Berkeley. 1568 pages.
Muller, R.N. 2012. Nutrient relations of the herbaceous layer in deciduous forest ecosystems. in F. S. Gilliam and M. R. Roberts (eds.). Ecology of the Herbaceous Layer of Forests of Eastern North America. 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Carlquist, S. 2012. Monocot xylem revisited: new information, new paradigms. The Botanical Review 78:1-67.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Burge, D.O., D. M. Erwin, M. B. Islam, J. Kellermann, S. S. Kembel, P. S. Manos, & D. H. Wilken. 2011. Diversification of Ceanothus (Rhamnaceae) in the California Floristic Province. International Journal of Plant Science 172:1137-1164.
Carlquist, S. & E.L. Schneider. 2011. Equisetum xylem: SEM studies and their implications. American Fern Journal 101:133-141.
Gallo, T. & S. Windhager. 2011. Accepting ‘The New Normal’? Not so fast… Conservation Magazine, Spring 2011.
Haller, J.R. & N. J. Vivrette. 2011. Ponderosa pine revisited. Aliso 29:53-57.
McEwan, R.W. & R.N. Muller. 2011. Dynamics, diversity and resource gradient relationships in the herbaceous layer of an old-growth Appalachian forest. Plant Ecology 212:1179-1191.
Simmons, M., M. Bertelsen, S. Windhager, & H. Zafian. 2011. The performance of native and non-native turfgrass monocultures and native turfgrass polycultures: An ecological approach to sustainable lawns. Ecological Engineering 37:1095-1103.v
Peer-reviewed Symposium Proceedings:
McEachern, K. & D. Wilken. 2011. Nine endangered taxa, one recovering ecosystem: Identifying common ground for recovery on Santa Cruz Island, California. Proceedings of the CNPS Conservation Conference, Pages 162-167, California Native Plant Society.
Wilken, D. & K. McEachern. 2011. Experimental reintroduction of the federally endangered Santa Cruz Island bush mallow (Malacothamnus fasciculatus var. nesioticus). Proceedings of the CNPS Conservation Conference, Pages 410-418, California Native Plant Society.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Carlquist, S. 2010. Caryophyllales: A key group for understanding wood anatomy character states and their evolution. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 164:342–393.
Carlquist, S. & E.L. Schneider. 2010. Origins and nature of vessels in monocotyledons. 11. primary xylem microstructure, with examples from Zingiberales. International Journal of Plant Sciences 171:258-266.
Carlquist, S. & E.L. Schneider. 2010. Origins and nature of vessels in monocotyledons. 12. Pit membrane microstructure diversity in tracheary elements of Astelia. Pacific Science 64:607-618.
Muller, R.N. & C. Bornstein. 2010. Maintaining the diversity of California’s municipal forests. Arboriculture and Urban Forestry 36:18-27.
Porter, J.M., L. Johnson, & D. Wilken. 2010. Phylogenetic systematics of Ipomopsis (Polemoniaceae): relationships and divergence times estimated from chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequences. Systematic Botany 35: 181-200.
Windhager, S., F. Steiner, M. Simmons, & D. Heymann. 2010. Towards ecosystem services as a basis for design. Landscape Journal 29:107-123.
Technical Reports & Non-peer-reviewed Articles:
Muller, R. & S. Junak. 2010. Final Report for 2009-2010 Sensitive Plant Species on Target Areas at Naval Air Facility El Centro, El Centro, California. Report prepared for U.S. Navy. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 58 Pages
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Carlquist, S. 2009. Darwin on island plants. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 161:20–25.
Carlquist, S. 2009. Non-random vessel distribution in woods: patterns, modes, diversity, correlations. Aliso 27:39-58.
Carlquist, S. 2009. Xylem heterochrony: An unappreciated key to angiosperm origin and diversifications. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 161:26–65.
Carlquist, S. & E.L. Schneider. 2009. Distinctive tracheid microstructure in stems of Victoria and Euryale (Nymphaeaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 159:52–57.
Carlquist, S. & E.L. Schneider. 2009. Do tracheid microstructure and the presence of minute crystals link Nymphaeaceae, Cabombaceae and Hydatellaceae? Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 159:572–582.
Schneider, E.L., S. Carlquist, & C.B. Hellquist. 2009. Microstructure of tracheids of Nymphaea. International Journal of Plant Sciences 170:457-466.
Carlquist, S. & E.L. Schneider. 2009. Xylem of early angiosperms: Novel microstructure in stem tracheids of Barclaya (Nymphaeaceae). Aquatic Botany 91:61–66.
Carlquist, S., E.L. Schneider, & C.B. Hellquist. 2009. Xylem of early angiosperms: Nuphar (Nymphaeaceae) has novel tracheid microstructure. American Journal of Botany 96:207-215.
Peer-reviewed Symposium Proceedings:
Drost, C. & S. Junak. 2009. Colonizers, waifs, and stowaways: Arrival of new plant species on Santa Barbara Island over a 30-Year period. Pages 215-228 in D. Garcelon and C. Damiani (eds). Proceedings of the Seventh California Islands Symposium, Oxnard, California, February 5-8, 2008. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.
Technical Reports & Non-peer-reviewed Articles:
Wilken, D., R. Muller, & S. Junak. 2009. Threatened and Endangered Plant Surveys: La Graciosa thistle (Cirsium loncholepis), beach layia (Layia carnosa), marsh sandwort (Arenaria paludicola), and Gambel’s watercress (Nasturtium gambelii). Report to Luanne Lum, Botanist, AFSPC 30 CES/CEVNN, Vandenberg Air Force Base. 32 Pages + GIS files, images, Appendices.
Books & Book Chapters:
Junak, S. 2008. A flora of San Nicolas Island, California. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 235 pages.
Technical Reports & Non-peer-reviewed Articles:
Wilken, D., R. Muller, & S. Junak. 2008. Threatened and endangered plant surveys: La Graciosa thistle (Cirsium loncholepis), a federally endangered species. Report to Luanne Lum, Botanist, AFSPC 30 CES/CEVNN, Vandenberg Air Force Base. 13 Pages + GIS files, Appendices.
Books & Book Chapters:
Junak, S., D. Knapp, J.R. Haller, R. Philbrick, A. Schoenherr, & T. Keeler-Wolf. 2007. The California Channel Islands. Pages 229-252 in M. Barbour, T. Keeler-Wolf, and A. Schoenherr (Editors). Terrestrial Vegetation of California (Third Edition). University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Carlquist, S. 2007. Successive cambia in Aizoaceae: Products and process. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 153:141-155.
Carlquist, S. 2007. Bordered pits in ray cells and axial parenchyma: The histology of conduction, storage, and strength in living wood cells. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 153:157-168.
Carlquist, S. & E.L. Schneider. 2007. Origin and nature of vessels in monocotyledons. 9. Sansevieria. South African Journal of Botany 73:196-203.
Carlquist, S., J. A. Rosell, M. E. Olson, & R. Aguire-Hernandez. 2007. Logistic regression in comparative wood anatomy: Tracheid types, wood anatomical terminology, and new inferences from the Carlquist and Hoekman southern Californian data set. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 154:331-351.
Carlquist, S. & E.L. Schneider. 2007. Tracheary elements in ferns: New techniques, observations, and concepts. American Fern Journal 97:199-211.
Carlquist, S. 2007. Wood anatomy of Crossosomatales: Patterns of wood evolution with relation to phylogeny and ecology. Aliso 24:1-18.
Carlquist, S. 2007. Successive cambia revisited: Ontogeny, histology, diversity, and functional significance. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 134:301-332.
Carlquist, S. & E.L. Schneider. 2007. Tracheary elements in ferns: New techniques, observations, and concepts. American Fern Journal 97:25-37.
Carlquist, S., E.L. Schneider, & C.B. Hellquist. 2007. Early stages in angiosperm evolution: Nuphar (Nymphaeaceae). American Journal of Botany 96:207-15.
Carlquist, S., E.L. Schneider, & K.F. Kenneally. Origins and nature of vessels in monocotyledons. 10. Boryaceae: Xeromorphic xylem construction in a resurrection plant. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 91:13-20.
Luna-Mendoza, L., A. Aguirre, B. Keitt, S. Junak, & B. Henry. 2007. The restoration of Guadalupe Island, revisited. Fremontia 35:14-17.
Schneider, E.L., S. Carlquist, & J.G. Chemnick. 2007. Scanning electron microscope studies of cycad tracheids. South African Journal of Botany 73:512-517.
Books & Book Chapters:
Fross, D. & D. Wilken. 2006. Ceanothus: In the landscape and the wild. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon. 272 pages.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Carlquist, S. 2006. Asteropeia and Physena (Caryophyllales): A case study in comparative wood anatomy. Brittonia 58:301-313.
R.W. McEwan & R.N. Muller. 2006. Spatial and temporal dynamics in canopy dominance of an old-growth central Appalachian forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36:1536–1550.
Newman, G.S., M.A. Arthur, & R.N. Muller. 2006. Above- and belowground net primary production in a temperate mixed deciduous forest. Ecosystems 9:317-329.
Schneider, E.L., & S. Carlquist. 2006. Origins and nature of vessels in monocotyledons. 8. Orchidaceae. American Journal of Botany 93:963-971.
Wilken, D. 2006. Hulsea. Flora of North America. 21:396-400.
Technical Reports & Non-peer-reviewed Articles:
Junak, S. & R. Muller. 2006. Distribution of selected invasive plant species on Commander Navy Region Southwest Installations in Central and Southern California. Technical Report 7. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 77 pages.
Junak, S. 2006. Sensitive plant status survey, San Clemente Island, California. Technical Report 8. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 176 pages.
Gevirtz, E., J. Jackson, S. Junak et al. 2006. Alternative access study: Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area. Condor Environmental Planning Services, Santa Barbara, CA. 317 pages.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Carlquist, S. 2005. Wood and bark anatomy of Muntingiaceae: A phylogenetic comparison within Malvales s.l. Brittonia 57:59-67.
Carlquist, S. 2005. Origins and nature of vessels in monocotyledons. 7. Haemodoraceae and Philydraceae. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 132:377-383.
Carlquist, S. 2005. Wood anatomy of Krameriaceae with comparisons with Zygophyllaceae: Phylesis, ecology, and systematics. Botanical Journal Linnean Society 149:257-27.
Carlquist, S. & Jason R. Grant. 2005. Wood anatomy of Gentianaceae, tribe Helieae, in relation to ecology, habit, systematics, and sample diameter. Brittonia 57:276-291.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 2005. Vestigial pit membrane remnants in perforation plates and helical thickenings in vessels of Ericaceae. Nordic Journal of Botany 23:353-363.
Keitt, B., S. Junak, L. Luna-Mendoza, & A. Aguirre. 2005. The restoration of Guadalupe Island. Fremontia 33:20-25.
McEwan, R.W., R.N. Muller & B. C. McCarthy. 2005. Vegetation-environment relationships among woody species in four canopy-layers in an old-growth mixed mesophytic forest. Castanea 70:32–46.
McEwan, R.W., R.D. Paratley, R.N. Muller, & C. L. Riccardi. 2005. The vascular flora of an old-growth mixed mesophytic forest in southeastern Kentucky. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 132:618-627.
Schneider, E.L., & S. Carlquist. 2005. Origin and nature of vessels in monocotyledons. 6. Hanguana (Hanguanaceae). Pacific Science 59:393-398.
Schneider, E.L. & S. Carlquist. 2005. Origin and nature of vessels in Moncotyledons. 7. Philydraceae and Haemodoraceae. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 132:377-383.
Wilken, D. & J. M. Porter. 2005. Polemoniaceae of Arizona. Canotia 1:1-37.
Peer-reviewed Symposium Proceedings:
Junak, S., B. Keitt, B. Tershy, D. Croll, L. Luna-Mendoza, A. & A. Aguirre-Munoz. 2005. Recent conservation efforts and notes on the current status of the flora of Guadalupe Island, Baja California, Mexico. Pages 83-93 in K. Santos del Prado and E. Peters (Editors). Isla Guadalupe: Restauracion y Conservacion. Instituto Nacional de Ecologia, Mexico, D.F.
Books & Book Chapters:
Wilken, D. 2004. Polemoniaceae. Pages 300-312, in Kubitzki, K. The families and genera of vascular plants of the world. Volume VI.
Wilken, D. 2004. Polemoniaceae. Pages 304-306 in N. Smith, S. A. Mori, A. Henderson, D. W. Stevenson, S. V. Heald (eds.), Flowering plants of the neotropics. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. 594 Pages
Wilken, D. 2004. Polemoniaceae. Pages 300-312 in K. Kubitzki (ed). The families and genera of vascular plants of the world. Volume VI. Springer Verlag, Berlin. 489 Pages
Wilken, D. 2004. Options for managing park natural history collecting and collections. Pages 395-397 in D. Harmon, B. Kilgore, and G. Vietzke (eds.). Protecting our diverse heritage: The role of parks, protected areas, and cultural sites. The George Wright Society, Hancock Michigan.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Carlquist, S. 2004. Lateral meristems, successive cambia and their products: a reinterpretation based on roots and stems of Nyctaginaceae. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 146:129-143.
Carlquist, S. 2004. Wood and bark anatomy of Myricaceae: Relationships, generic definitions, and ecological interpretations. Aliso 21:7-29.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 2004. Vestigial pit membrane remnants in perforation plates and helical thickenings in vessels of Ericaceae. Nordic Jouranl of Botany 23:353-363
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 2004. Pit membrane remnants and other vessel details of Clethraceae: primitive features in wood of Ericales. International Journal of Plant Science. 165:369-376.
Carlquist, S., & E.L. Schneider. 2004. Pit membrane remnants in perforation plates of Hydrangeales with comments on pit membrane remnant occurrence, physiological significance, and phylogenetic significance in dicotyledons. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 146:41-51.
Schneider, E.L., & S. Carlquist. 2004. Pit membrane remnants in perforation plates and other vessel details of Cornales. Brittonia 56:275-283.
Schneider, E.L., & S. Carlquist. 2004. Perforation plate pit membrane remnants in vessels of Sarraceniaceae: possible indicators of relationship and ecology. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 13:1-7.
Whittall, J.B., C.B. Hellquist, E. Schneider, & S.A. Hodges. 2004. Cryptic species in an endangered pondweed community (Potamogeton: Potamogetonaceae) revealed by AFLP markers. American Journal of Botany 91:2022-2029.
Books & Book Chapters:
Carlquist, S., B.G. Baldwin, & G.D. Carr, eds. 2003. Tarweeds and silverswords. Evolution of the Madiinae. xiv + 294 p. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.
Kadono, Y. & E.L. Schneider. 2003. The ecology of Euryale ferox Salib. in Japan. Pages 32-37 in V. Jha and Mishra (eds.): The biology and cultivation of makhana (Eurayle ferox Salisbury). Directorate of Information and Publications of Agriculture. Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan, Pusa, New Delhi.
Muller, R.N. 2003. Nutrient relations of the herbaceous layer in deciduous forest ecosystems. Chapter 2. Pages 15-37. in F. S. Gilliam and M. R. Roberts, eds. Ecology of the herbaceous layer of forests of eastern North America. Oxford University Press.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Carlquist, S. 2003. Wood anatomy and successive cambia in Simmondsia (Simmondsiaceae): evidence for inclusion in Caryophyllales (s. 1.) Madroño 49:158–164.
Carlquist, S. 2003. Wood anatomy of Aextoxicaceae and Berberidopsidaceae is compatible with their inclusion in Berberidopsidales. Systematic Botany 28:317-325.
Carlquist, S. 2003. Wood anatomy of Polygonaceae: Analysis of a family with exceptional wood diversity. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 141:25-51.
Carlquist, S. 2003. Wood and stem anatomy of woody Amaranthaceae (s.s.): Ecology, systematics, and the problems of defining rays in dicotyledons. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 143:1-19.
Carlquist, S., & T.K. Lowrey. 2003. Wood anatomy of Hawaiian Tetramolopium. Pacific Science 57:171-179.
Muller, R.N. 2003. Landscape patterns of change in coarse woody debris accumulation in an old-growth deciduous forest on the Cumberland Plateau, southeastern Kentucky. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33:763-769.
Schneider, E.L., & S. Carlquist. 2003. Perforation plate diversity in Illlicium floridanum (Illiciaceae) with respect to organs, provenance, and microtechnical methods. Sida 20:1047-1057.
Schneider, E. & S. Carlquist. 2003. Unusual pit membrane remnants in perforation plates of Cyrillaceae. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 130:225-230.
Schneider, E., S. Tucker, & P. S. Williamson. 2003. Morphological studies of the Nymphaeaceae XXIV. Floral development in Nymphaeales. International Journal of Plant Science 164: S279-S292.
Tucker, S.C. 2003. Floral development in legumes. Plant Physiology 131:1-17.
Tucker, S.C. 2003. Unidirectional initiation from the adaxial side of the flower in Julbernardia and Sindora (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae: Detarieae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 164:275-286.
Tucker, S.C. 2003. Floral ontogeny in Swartzia (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae: Swartzieae): Occurrence, variation and role of the ring meristem in development. American Journal of Botany 90:1271-1292.
Technical Reports & Non-peer-reviewed Articles:
Junak, S. 2003. Distribution of selected invasive plant species on San Clemente Island, California. Technical Report 6. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 13 Pages
Wilken, D. 2003. Monitoring plan for purple amole (Chlorogalum purpureum var. purpureum) on Camp Roberts. Environmental Division, California National Guard, Camp Roberts. 14 pages.
Books and Book Chapters:
Wilken, D. 2002. Taxonomic treatments in Baldwin et al. (eds.), The Jepson Desert Manual. University of California Press, Berkeley. 2002. as follows: Selaginella, Anacardiaceae, Asteraceae (Hulsea), Boraginaceae in part (6 genera with W. Kelley or R. Kelley), Caryophyllaceae (Silene), Chenopodiaceae in part (16 genera and Atriplex with D. Taylor), Hydrophyllaceae (Phacelia with R. Halse and R. Patterson), Lamiaceae in part (9 genera), Oleaceae, Polemoniaceae (3 genera and Phlox with R. Patterson), Portulacaceae (Calyptridium with W. Kelley), Ranunculaceae in part (6 genera), Rosaceae (2 genera), Tamaricaceae, Ulmaceae, Verbenaceae, Orchidaceae with W. Jennings, and Poaceae in part (16 genera, Bromus and Deschampsia with E. Painter).
Journal Articles (peer reviewed):
Carlquist, S. 2002. Wood and bark anatomy of Salvadoraceae: Ecology, relationships, histology of interxylary phloem. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 129:10-20.
Carlquist, S. 2002. Wood and bark anatomy of Myricaceae: relationships, generic definitions, and ecological interpretations. Aliso 21:7-29.
Carlquist, S. 2002. Wood anatomy and successive cambia in Simmondsia (Simmondsiaceae): evidence for inclusion in Caryophyllales (s. l.) Madroño 49:158-164.
Carlquist, S., & E. Schneider. 2002. The tracheid-vessel element transition in angiosperms involves multiple independent features: Cladistic consequences. American Journal of Botany 89:185-195.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 2002. Vessels of Illicium (Illiciaceae): Range of pit membrane remnant presence in perforations and other vessel details. International Journal of Plant Sciences 163:755-763.
Symposium Proceedings (peer reviewed):
Junak, S. & R. Philbrick. 2002. Flowering plants of Natividad Island, Baja California, Mexico. Pages 224-234 in D. Browne, K. Mitchell, and H. Chaney, editors. Proceedings of the Fifth California Islands Symposium. U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service.
Junak, S. & R. Philbrick. 2002. Flowering plants of the San Benito Islands, Baja California, Mexico. Pages 235-246 in D. Browne, K. Mitchell, and H. Chaney, editors. Proceedings of the Fifth California Islands Symposium. U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service.
Wilken, D. & E. Schneider. 2002. Research in conservation biology at the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden: An integrated approach. Proceedings of the 5th International Botanic Gardens Conservation Congress. Cape Town, South Africa. 2002.
Technical Reports and Non-Peer Reviewed Articles:
Junak, S. 2002. Exotic plant survey, Outlying Landing Field, San Nicolas Island, California. Technical Report 4. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 145 pages.
Junak, S. 2002. Sensitive plant survey, Outlying Landing Field, San Nicolas Island, California. Technical Report 5. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 97 pages.
Whittall, J. C., B. Hellquist, & E. Schneider. 2002. Monitoring the little Aguja pondweed (Potamogeton clystocarpus): Distribution, morphology and taxonomic status in a diverse pondweed community. Technical Report.
Journal Articles (peer reviewed):
Carlquist, S. 2001. Observations on the vegetative anatomy of Austrobaileya: Habital, organographic, and phylogenetic conclusions. Botanical Journal Linnean Society 135:1-11.
Carlquist, S. 2001. Wood anatomy of Fouquieriaceae in relation to habit, ecology, and systematics: Nature of meristems in wood and bark. Aliso 19:137-163.
Carlquist, S. 2001. Wood anatomy of the woody Asteraceae of St Helena I.: Evolutionary significance. Botanical Journal Linnean Society 137:197-210.
Carlquist, S. 2001. Wood and stem anatomy of Rhabdodendraceae is consistent with placement in Caryophyllales.1. International Association of Wood Anatomists Journal 22:171-181.
Carlquist, S., & M. Olson. 2001. Wood anatomy of Moringa (Moringaceae) with relation to habit, ecology, and systematics. Botanical Journal Linnean Society 135:315-348.
Carlquist, S., & R.B. Miller. 2001. Wood anatomy of Corynocarpaceae is consistent with placement in Cucurbitales. Systematic Botany 26:54-65.
Carlquist, S., & E. Schneider. 2001. Vegetative anatomy of Amborella: New data, implications for relationships and for vessel origin and definition. Pacific Science 55:305-312.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 2001. Vegetative anatomy of the New Caledonian endemic Amborella trichopoda: Relationships with the Illiciales and implications for vessel origin. Pacific Science 55:305-312.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 2001. Vessels in ferns: Structural, ecological, and evolutionary significance. American Journal of Botany (Special Invited Paper) 88:1-13.
Schneider, E. & S. Carlquist. 2001. SEM studies of vessels in Saururaceae. International Association of Wood Anatomists 22:183-192.
Wilken, D. 2001. A new Ipomopsis (Polemoniaceae) from the southwest USA and adjacent Mexico. Madrono 48:116-122.
Technical Reports and Non-Peer Reviewed Articles:
Junak, S. 2001. Distribution of native cacti (Opuntia spp.) and boxthorn (Lycium californicum) on San Nicolas Island, California. Technical Report 3. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 52 Pages
Wilken, D., & T. Wardlaw. 2001. Ecological and life history characteristics of Ventura marsh milkvetch(Astragalus pycnostachyus var. lanosissimus) and their implications for recovery. Prepared for: M. Meyer, Plant Ecologist, South Coast Region, Department of Fish and Game. Funded by USFWS, Section 6, Contract No. P995002.
Journal Articles (peer reviewed):
Barrett, S., D. Wilken, & W. Cole. 2000. Heterostyly in the Lamiaceae: The case of Salvia brandegeei. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 223:211-219.
Breuss, O. & C. Bratt. 2000. Catapyrenioid lichens in California. The Bulletin of the California Lichen Society 7:37-43.
Carlquist, S. 2000. Wood anatomy, stem anatomy, and cambial activity of Barbeuia (Caryophyllales). International Association of Wood Anatomists Journal 20:31-41.
Carlquist, S. 2000. Wood and bark anatomy of Achatocarpaceae. Sida 19:71-78.
Carlquist, S. 2000. Wood and bark anatomy of Takhtajania (Winteraceae): Phylogenetic and ecological implications. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 87:317-322.
Carlquist, S. 2000. Wood and stem anatomy of phytolaccoid and rivinoid Phytolaccaceae (Carophyllales): Ecology, systematics, nature of successive cambia. Aliso 19:13-29.
Schneider, E. & S. Carlquist. 2000. SEM Studies on vessels in ferns. 14. Ceratopteris. Aquatic Botany 66:1-8.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 2000. SEM Studies on vessels in ferns. 16. Pacific tree ferns (Blechnaceae, Cyatheaceae, Dicksoniaceae). Pacific Science 54:75-86.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 2000. SEM studies on vessels in ferns. 18. Montane cheilanthoid Ferns (Pteridaceae) of North America: Adaptations of fern xylem to xeric habitats. Aliso 19:31-39.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 2000. SEM studies on vessels in ferns. 19. Marsileaceae. American Fern Journal 90:42-41 Carlquist, S., and E. Schneider. 2000. Wood and stem anatomy of Sarcobatus (Caryophyllales): Systematic and ecological implications. Taxon 49:27-34.
Carlquist, S., E. Schneider, & C. Lamoureux. 2000. SEM studies on vessels in ferns. 20. Hawaiian Hymenophyllaceae. Pacific Science 54:365-375.
Hayes, V., E. Schneider, & S. Carlquist. 2000. Floral development of Nelumbo nucifera (Nelumbonaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 16:183-191.
Schneider, E. & S. Carlquist. 2000. SEM Studies on vessels in ferns. 17. Psilotaceae. American Journal of Botany 87:176-181.
Schneider, E. & S. Carlquist. 2000. SEM Studies on vessels of the heterophyllous species of Selaginella. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 127:263-270.
Schneider, E. & S. Carlquist. 2000. SEM Studies on vessels of the homophyllous species of Selaginella. International Journal of Plant Sciences 161:967-974.
Symposium Proceedings (peer reviewed):
Chess, K., K. McEachern, & D. Wilken. 2000. Island jepsonia (Jepsonia malvifolia) demography on Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz Islands, California. Pages 155-157 in D. Browne, K. Mitchell, and H. Chaney, editors. Proceedings of the Fifth California Islands Symposium. U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service.
Kaska, D., J. Bushakra, J. Levine, J. Cooper, S. Hodges, & D. Wilken. 2000. Reproduction in the paleoendemic island ironwood, Lyonothamnus floribundus. Pages 733-734 in Proceedings, 5th California Channel Islands Symposium (D.Browne, K. Mitchell, and H. Chaney, eds.), US Dept. of Interior, 749 pages.
Vivrette, N. 2000. Coastal bluff vegetation change over 25 Years on Santa Cruz Island. Pages 141-142 in D. Browne, K. Mitchell, and H. Chaney, editors. Proceedings of the Fifth California Islands Symposium. U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service.
Technical Reports and Non-Peer Reviewed Articles:
Wilken, D. 2000. Rare plant survey at Fort Hunter Liggett: Purple amole (Chlorogalum purpureum), dwarf calycadenia (Calycadenia villosa), and Santa Lucia mint (Pogogyne clareana). Technical Report 2. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 35 Pages + maps. Appendices.
Books and Book Chapters:
Smith, C. 1998. A Flora of the Santa Barbara Region, California, 2nd edition. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA.
Bratt, C. & T. L. Esslinger. 1998. The Heterodermia erinacea group in North America, and a remarkable new disjunct distribution. Pages 25-36 in M. G. Glenn, R. C. Harris, R. Dirig, and M. S. Cole, editors. Lichenographia Thomasiana: North American Lichenology in Honor of John W. Thomson. Mycotaxon, Ltd.
Northington, D., E.L. Schneider, & D.C. Scheirer. 1996. The Botanical World, 2nd ed. edition. Wm. C. Brown Publishers.
Carlquist, S. 1996. Materials for anatomical and ultrastructural studies: Pollen, wood, and pickled materials. Pages 143-156 in T. F. Stuessy and S. H. Sohmer, editors. Sampling the green world. Columbia University Press.
Carlquist, S. 1996. Plant dispersal and the origin of Pacific island floras. Pages 153-164 in A. Keast and S. Miller, editors. The origin and evolution of Pacific island biotas; New Guinea to eastern Polynesia: Patterns and processes. SBP Academic Publishing.
Carlquist, S. 1996. Wood anatomy of primitive angiosperms: New perspectives and synthesis. Pages 68-90 in D. W. Taylor and L. J. Hickey, editors. Flowering plant origin, evolution, and phylogeny. Chapman & Hall.
Junak, S. 1996. A history of botanical exploration and discovery on Santa Rosa Island. Pages 168-191 in K. Blankenship Allen (Editor). Island of the Cowboys, Santa Rosa Island. Occasional Paper 7. Santa Cruz Island Foundation, Santa Barbara, CA.
Junak, S., T. Ayers, R. Scott, D. Wilken, & D. Young. 1995. A flora of Santa Cruz Island. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden and California Native Plant Society. 397 Pages
Carlquist, S. 1995. Introduction. Pages 1-13 in W. L. Wagner and V. A. Funk, editors. Hawaiian biogeography: Evolution on a hot-spot archipelago. Smithsonian Press.
Les, D. H. & E.L. Schneider. 1995. The Nymphaeales, Alismatidae, the theory of aquatic monocotyledon origin. Pages 23-42 in P. J. Rudall, P. J. Cribb, D. F. Cutler, and C. J. Humphries, editors. Monocotyledons: systematics and evolution. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Carlquist, S. 1994. Anatomy of tropical alpine plants. Pages 111-128 in P. W. Rundel, A. P. Smith, and F. C. Meinzer, editors. Tropical alpine environments. Cambridge University Press.
Junak, S., R. Philbrick, & C. Drost. 1993. A revised flora of Santa Barbara Island: An annotated catalog of the ferns and flowering plants and a brief history of botanical exploration. Pages 54-112 in Daily, M. (ed), Santa Barbara Island. Occasional Paper 6. Santa Cruz Island Foundation, Santa Barbara, CA.
Wilken, D. 1993. Taxonomic treatments in Hickman, J. (ed.), The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press, Berkeley. 1993. as follows: Selaginellaceae, Anacardiaceae, Asteraceae (Hulsea), Balsaminaceae, Boraginaceae in part (6 genera with W. Kelley or R. Kelley), Caryophyllaceae (Silene), Chenopodiaceae in part (16 genera and Atriplex with D. Taylor), Hydrophyllaceae (Phacelia with R. Halse and R. Patterson), Juglandaceae, Lamiaceae in part (17 genera), Oleaceae, Polemoniaceae (3 genera and Phlox with R. Patterson), Portulacaceae (Calyptridium with W. Kelley), Ranunculaceae in part (14 genera), Rosaceae (4 genera), Tamaricaceae, Ulmaceae, Verbenaceae, Orchidaceae with W. Jennings, and Poaceae in part (25 genera and Bromus with E. Painter).
Emery, D. 1988. Seed propagation of native California plants. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden.
Philbrick, R. & J. Haller. 1977. The Southern California Islands. Pages 893-906 in M. Barbour and J. Major, editors. Terrestrial Vegetation of California. John Wiley and Sons.
Smith, C. 1952. A Flora of Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden.
Journal Articles (peer reviewed):
Bratt, C. 1999. Additions to the lichen flora of San Clemente Island, California. Bulletin of the California Lichen Society 6:19-21.
Carlquist, S. 1999. Wood and bark anatomy of Schisandraceae: Implications for phylogeny, habit, and vessel evolution. Aliso 19:45-55.
Carlquist, S. 1999. Wood and stem anatomy of Stegnosperma (Caryophyllales): Phylogenetic relationships; nature of lateral meristems and successive cambial activity. International Association of Wood Anatomists Journal 20:149-163.
Carlquist, S. 1999. Wood anatomy of Agdestis (Caryophyllales): Systematic position and nature of the successive cambia. Aliso 18:35-43.
Carlquist, S. 1999. Wood, stem, and root anatomy of Basellaceae with relation to systematics and cambial variants. Flora 194:1-12.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 1999. SEM Studies on vessels in ferns. 8. Platyzoma. Australian Journal of Botany 47:277-282.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 1999. SEM studies on vessels in ferns. 11. Ophioglossum. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 129:105-114.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 1999. SEM studies on vessels in ferns. 12. Marattiaceae, with comments on vessel patterns in eusporangiate ferns. American Journal of Botany 86:457-464.
Carlquist, S. & R. B. Miller. 1999. Vegetative anatomy and relationships of Setchellanthus caeruleus (Setchellanthaceae). Taxon 48:289-302.
Carlquist, S., H. Tobe, & H. Iltis. 1999. Reproductive anatomy and relationships of Setchellanthus. Taxon 48:277-283.
Les, D.H., E.L. Schneider, D.J. Padgett, P.S. Solis, D.E. Soltis, & M. Zanis. 1999. Phylogeny, classification, and floral evolution of water lilies (Nymphaeaceae; Nymphaeales): A synthesis of non-molecular, rbc L, mat K, and 18S rDNA data. Systematic Botany 24:28-46.
Schneider, E. & S. Carlquist. 1999. SEM Studies on vessels in ferns. 11. Ophioglossaceae. Botanical Journal Linnean Society 129:105-114.
Schneider, E. & S. Carlquist. 1999. SEM studies on vessels in ferns.12. Marattiaceae, with comments on vessel patterns in eusporangiate ferns. American Journal of Botany 86:457-464.
Schneider, E. & S. Carlquist. 1999. SEM Studies on vessels in ferns. 13. Nephrolepis. American Fern Journal 89:171-177.
Schneider, E. & S. Carlquist. 1999. SEM Studies on vessels in ferns. 14. Ceratopteris. Aquatic Botany 66:1-8.
Schneider, E. & S. Carlquist. 1999. SEM Studies on vessels in ferns. 15. Selected rosette epiphytes (Aspleniaceae, Elaphoglossaceae, Vittariaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 160:1013-1020.
Carlquist, S. 1998. Wood anatomy of Caricaceae, with reference to systematics and habit. International Association of Wood Anatomists Journal 19:191-206.
Carlquist, S. 1998. Wood anatomy of Wilkesia (Asteraceae) with relation to systematics, organography, and habit. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 125:261-267.
Carlquist, S. 1998. Wood anatomy of Dubautia (Asteraceae: Madiinae) in relation to adaptive radiation. Pacific Scientist 52:356-368.
Carlquist, S. 1998. Wood and stem anatomy of Petiveria and Ravina (Caryophyllales). International Association of Wood Anatomists Journal 19:383-391.
Carlquist, S. and E. Schneider. 1998. Origins and nature of vessels in monocotyledons. 3. Lowiaceae, with comments on rhizome anatomy. Blumea 43:219-224.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 1998. Origins and nature of vessels in monocotyledons. 4. Araceae subfamily Philodendroideae. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 125:253-260.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 1998. Origins and nature of vessels in monocotyledons. 5. Araceae. Subfamily Colocasioideae. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 128:71-86.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 1998. SEM Studies on vessels in ferns. 5. Woodsia scopulina. American Fern Journal 88:17-23.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 1998. SEM Studies on vessels in ferns. 6. Woodsia ilvensis with comments on vessel origin in ferns. Flora 193:179-185.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 1998. SEM Studies on Vessels in Ferns. 7. Microgramma. Anales Anales del Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Ser. Bot. 69:1-7.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 1998. SEM studies on vessels of ferns. 9. Dicranopteris (Gleicheniaceae) and vessel patterns in leptosporangiate ferns. American Journal of Botany 85:1028-1932.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 1998. SEM studies on vessels in ferns. 10. Osmundaceae and Schizaeaceae. International Journal of Plant Sciences 159:788-797.
Carlquist, S., & M. L. DeVore. 1998. Wood anatomy of Calyceracaea, with reference to ecology, habitat, and systematic relationships. Aliso 17:63-76.
Junak, S. 1998. California’s Channel Islands. Manzanita 2:6-7.
Schneider, E. and S. Carlquist. 1998. Origins and nature of vessels in Monocotyledons. 4. Araceae. Subfamily Philodendroideae. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 12:253-260.
Schneider, E. & S. Carlquist. 1998. SEM studies on vessels in ferns. 9. Dicranopteris (Gleicheniaceae) and vessel patterns in leptosporangiate ferns. American Journal of Botany 85:1028-1032.
Wilken, D. 1998. Daniel J. Crawford – Recipient of the Asa Gray Award. Systematic Botany 23:1-3.
Xu, X., E. Schneider, C. Zaremba, G. D. Stucky, and F. Wudl. 1998. Modification of the Semitransparent Prunus serrula Bark Film: Making rubber out of bark. Chemistry of Materials 10:3523-3527.
Carlquist, S. 1997. Pentaphragma: A unique wood and its significance. International Association of Wood Anatomists Journal 18:3-12.
Carlquist, S. 1997. Peter H. Raven–recipient of the 1996 Asa Gray Award. Systematic Botany 22:1-3.
Carlquist, S. 1997. Shifting paradigms in island biology. Aliso 16:85-88.
Carlquist, S. 1997. Wood anatomy of Argyroxiphium (Asteraceae): Adaptive radiation and ecological correlations. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society124:1-10.
Carlquist, S. 1997. Wood anatomy of Buddlejaceae. Aliso 15:41-56.
Carlquist, S. 1997. Wood anatomy of Resedaceae. Aliso 16:127-135.
Carlquist, S. 1997. Wood anatomy of Portulacaceae and Hectorellaceae: Ecological, habital, and systematic implications. Aliso 16:127-153.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 1997. Origins and nature of vessels in Monocotyledons. 1. Acorus. International Journal of Plant Science 158:51-56.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 1997. Origins and nature of vessels in Monocotyledons. 2. Juncaginaceae and Scheuchzeriaceae. Nordic Journal of Botany 17:397-401.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 1997. SEM studies on vessels in ferns. 2. Pteridium. American Journal of Botany 84:581-587.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 1997. SEM studies on vessels in ferns. 3. Phlebodium and Polystichum. International Journal of Plant Science 158:343-349.
Carlquist, S. & E. Schneider. 1997. SEM studies on vessels in ferns. 4. Astrolepis. Amererican Fern Journal 87:43-50.
Carlquist, S., E. Schneider, & G. Yatskievych. 1997. SEM studies on vessels in ferns. 1. Woodsia obtusa (Sprengel) Torrey (Dryopteridaceae). American Fern Journal 87:1-8.
Junak, S. 1997. Alien plants on the Channel Islands. Alolkoy 10:3.
Les, D.H., E.L. Schneider, & D.J. Padget. 1997. Water lily relationships revisited: Lessons learned from anatomy and molecules. The Water Garden Journal 13:21-28.
Ross, T., S. Boyd, & S. Junak. 1997. Additions to the vascular flora of San Clemente Island, Los Angeles County, California, with notes on clarifications and deletions. Aliso 15:27-40.
Schneider, E. & R. Taylor. 1997. Plant evolution and conservation on islands: A global perspective. Introduction. Aliso 16:83-84.
Xu, X., E. Schneider, A.T. Chien, & F. Wudl. 1997. Nature’s high-strength semitransparent film: the remarkable mechanical properties of Prunus serrula bark. Chemistry of Materials 9:1906-1908.
Carlquist, S. 1996. Wood anatomy of Akaniaceae and Bretschneideraceae: A case of near-identity and its systematic implications. Systematic Botany 21:607-616.
Carlquist, S. 1996. Wood and bark anatomy of lianoid Indomalesian and Asiatic species of Gnetum. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 121:1-24.
Carlquist, S. 1996. Wood and stem anatomy of Menispermaceae. Aliso 14:155-170.
Carlquist, S. 1996. Wood, bark and stem anatomy of Gnetales: A summary. International Journal of Plant Science 157(supplementary issue): S57-S76.
Carlquist, S. 1996. Wood, bark and stem anatomy of New World species of Gnetum. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 120:1-19.
Carlquist, S., & C.J. Boggs. 1996. Wood anatomy of Plumbaginaceae. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 123:135-147.
Carlquist, S. & C.J. Donald. 1996. Wood anatomy of Limnanthaceae and Tropaeolaceae in relation to habit and phylogeny. Sida 17:333-342.
Schneider, E. & S. Carlquist. 1996. Conductive tissue of Ceratophyllum demersum (Ceratophyllaceae). Sida 178:437-443.
Schneider, E. & S. Carlquist. 1996. Vessel origin in Cabomba. Nordic Journal of Botany 16:637-642.
Schneider, E. & S. Carlquist. 1996. Vessels in Brasenia (Cabombaceae): New perspectives on vessel origin in primary xylem of angiosperms. American Journal of Botany 83:1236-1240.
Schneider, E. & S. Carlquist. 1996. Vessels in Nelumbo (Nelumbonaceae). American Journal of Botany 83:1101-1106.
Schneider, E. & P.S. Williamson. 1996. Barclaya rotundifolia M. Hotta (Nymphaeaceae). Aqua Planta.
Carlquist, S. 1995. Comparative wood anatomy: New directions and opportunities. in M. Iqbal, editor. The cambium and its products. Handbuch der Pflanzenanatomie Spezieller 9:173-185.
Carlquist, S. 1995. Wood anatomy of Berberidaceae: Ecological and phylogenetic considerations. Aliso 14:85-103.
Carlquist, S. 1995. Wood anatomy of Caryophyllaceae: Ecological, habital, systematic, and phylogenetic implications. Aliso 14:1-17.
Carlquist, S. 1995. Wood anatomy of Ranunculiforae: A summary. Plant Systematics and Evolution suppl. 9:11-24.
Carlquist, S. 1995. Wood and bark anatomy of Ranunculaceae (including Hydrastis) and Glaucidaceae. Aliso 14:65-84.
Carlquist, S., K. Dauer, & S. Nishimura. 1995. Wood and stem anatomy of Saururlaceae with reference to ecology, phylogeny, and origin of the monocotyledons. International Association of Wood Anatomists Journal 16:133-150.
Carlquist, S. & D. Gowans. 1995. Secondary growth and wood histology of Welwitschia. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 118:107-121.
Carlquist, S. & A. Robinson. 1995. Wood and bark anatomy of the African species of Gnetum. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 118:123-137.
Carlquist, S. & E. Wilson. 1995. Wood anatomy of Drosophyllum (Droseraceae), ecological and phylogenetic considerations. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 122:185-189.
Junak, S. & D. Wilken. 1995. Flora of Santa Cruz Island: Historic condition and recent changes. Fremontia 23:12-16.
Rhui-cheng, F. & D. Wilken. Polemoniaceae. 1995. In Wu Zheng-yi and P. Raven (eds.). Flora of China 16 (Pages 326-327), Science Press (Beijing) and Missouri Botanical Garden.
Schneider, E. & S. Carlquist. 1995. Vessel origins in Nymphaeaceae: Euryale and Victoria. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 119:185-193.
Schneider, E. & S. Carlquist. 1995. Vessels in the root of Barclaya rotundifolia (Nymphaeceae). American Journal of Botany 82:1343-1349.
Schneider, E., S. Carlquist, K. Beamer, & A. Kohn. 1995. Vessels in Nymphaeaceae: Nuphar, Nymphaea, and Ondinea. International Journal of Plant Science 156:857-862.
Wilken, D. 1995. Flowers in the garden: What next for California floristics? Madroño 42:142-153.
Carlquist, S. 1994. Wood and bark anatomy of Gnetum gnemon. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 116:203-221.
Carlquist, S., E. Schneider, & R. Miller. 1994. Wood and bark anatomy of Argemone (Papaveraceae). International Association of Wood Anatomists Journal 15:247-255.
Schneider, E. & P. Williamson. 1994. Morphological studies of the Nymphaceae. Floral Aspects of Barclaya (Nymphaceae): Pollination; ontogeny and structure. Plant Systematics and Evolution [Suppl] 8:159-173.
Wilken, D. 1994. Review of Weber, W. and R. Wittmann. Catalog of the Colorado flora: A biodiversity baseline. Great Plains Quarterly 14:152-153.
Carlquist, S. 1993. Wood and bark anatomy of Aristolochiaceae: Systematic and habital correlations. International Association of Wood Anatomists Journal 14:341-357.
Carlquist, S., P. Morrell, and S. Manchester. 1993. Wood anatomy of Sabiaceae (s. 1.): ecological and systematic implications. Aliso 13:521-549.
Junak, S. 1991. The Herbarium:A Botanical Encyclopedia. Public Garden 6:17-19, 38.
Wilken, D. 1993. Continuing traditions: A new Jepson Manual and a plaza at Sonoma. Fremontia 21: 3-6.
Moran, R. & M. Benedict. 1981. Dudleya pachyphytum of Isla Cedros, Mexico. Cactus and Succulent Journal 53:132-136.
Tanowitz, B., S. Junak, & D. Smith. 1984. Terpenoids of Hyptis emoryi. Journal of Natural Products 47:739–740.
Tanowitz, B., D. Smith, & S. Junak. 1984. Terpenoids of Monardella hypoleuca. Journal of Natural Products 47:738–739.
Odion, D. 1985. Noteworthy collection of Dicentra pauciflora. Madroño 32:57.
Timbrook, S. 1985. Problems of lectotypification in Langloisia (Polemoniaceae). Taxon 34:522-524.
Walters, M. 1985. Meiosis readiness in Lilium. Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology 27:33-38.
Davis, W. & R. Philbrick. 1986. Natural hybridization between Malacothrix incana and M. saxatilis var. implicata (Asteraceae: Lactuceae) on San Miguel Island, California. Madroño 33:253-263.
Ferren, W., S. Junak, & M. Barkworth. 1986. Noteworthy Collections:California. Stipa diegoensis Swallen (Poaceae). Madroño 33:309-310.
Timbrook, S. 1986. Segregation of Loeseliastrum from Langloisia (Polemoniaceae). Madroño 33:157-174.
Michaelsen, J., L. Haston, & F.W. Davis. 1987. 400 Years of Central California precipitation variability reconstructed from tree-rings. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 23:809–818.
Davis, Frank W., Diana E. Hickson, & Dennis C. Odion. 1988. Vegetation composition in relation to age since burning and soil factors in maritime chaparral, California. Madroño 35: 169-195.
Thorne, R. & S. Junak. 1988. Vascular plants of Las Isla de Todos Santos, Northwestern Baja California, Mexico. Crossosoma 14:4-7.
Davis, Frank W., Mark I. Borchert, & Dennis C. Odion. 1989. Establishment of microscale pattern in chaparral following fire. Vegetatio 84: 53-67.
Thorne, R. & S. Junak. 1989. The vascular plants of Isla San Martin, Baja California, Mexico. Crossosoma 15:5-7.
Moran, R. & M. Benedict. 1980. Dudleya pachyphytum (Crassulaceae), a New Species form Isla Cedros, Mexico. Phytologia 47:85-87.
Walters, M. 1980. Premeiosis and meiosis in Lilium “Enchantment”. Chromosoma 80:119-146.
Walters, M. 1970. Evidence on the time of chromosome pairing from the preleptotene spiral stage in Lilium longiflorum “Croft”. Chromosoma 29:375-418.
Philbrick, R. 1972. The plants of Santa Barbara Island, California. Madroño 21:329-393.
Walters, M. 1972. Preleptotene chromosome contraction in Lilium longiflorum “Croft”. Chromosoma 39:311-332.
Walters, M. 1976. Variation in preleptotene chromosome contraction among three cultivars of Lilium longiflorum. Chromosoma 57:51-80.
Vivrette, N.J. & C.H. Muller. 1977. Mechanism of invasion and dominance of coastal grassland by Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Ecological Monographs 77:301-318.
Walters, M. 1977. The relation of temperature to preleptotene chromosome contraction in Lilium. Chromosoma 61:23-39.
Philbrick, R. 1978. A botanist’s view of Santa Cruz Island. Fremontia 6:6-10.
Walters, M. 1978. Meiosis readiness in Lilium longiflorum “Croft”. Chromosoma 67:365-391.
Walters, M. 1960. Rates of meiosis, spindle irregularities and microsporocyte division in Bromus trinii x B. carinatus. Chromosoma 11:167-204.
Moseley, M. F. 1961. Morphological studies of the Nymphaeaceae. II. The flower of Nymphaea. Botanical Gazette 122:233-259.
Wenner, A. 1962. Communication with queen honey bees by substrate sound. Science 138:446-448.
Piehl, M. 1963. Mode of attachment, haustorium structure, and hosts of Pedicularis canadensis. American Journal of Botany 50:978-985.
Walters, M. 1963. A nuclear body in meiosis of Bromus. Chromosoma 14:423-450.
Philbrick, R. 1964. Opuntia oricola, a new Pacific Coast Species. The Cactus and Succulent Journal 36:163-165.
Wenner, A. 1964. Sound communication in honeybees. Scientific American 210:116-124.
Moseley, M.F. 1965. Morphological studies of the Nymphaeaceae. III. The floral anatomy of Nuphar. Phytomorphology 15:54-84.
Walters, M. 1965. A nuclear body in microsporocytes of Zea Mays. Chromosoma 17:78-84.
Walters, M. 1966. Development and chemical constitution of a nuclear body in microsporocytes of Bromus. Heredity 21:173-181.
Walters, M. 1966. Non-chromosomal entities in mitosis and meiosis of Bromus arizonicus. Heredity 21:537-545.
Walters, M. 1968. Ribonucleoprotein structures in meiotic prophase of Zea Mays. Heredity 23:39-47.
Muller, C.H. 1952. Ecological Control of Hybridization in Quercus: a factor in the mechanism of evolution. Evolution 6:147-161.
Muller, C.H. 1952. Los camotes del pochote (Ceiba parvifolia) de Puebla. Sociedad Botanica de Mexico Boletin. 14:18-20.
Muller, C.H. 1952. Plant succession in arctic heath and tundra in northern Scandinavia. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 79:296-309.
Walters, M. 1952. Atypical chromosome movement in meiotic anaphase of Bromus pitensis x B. marginatus. American Journal of Botany 39:619-625.
Walters, M. 1952. Spontaneous chromosome breakage and atypical chromosome movement in meiosis of the hybrid Bromus marginatus x B. pseudolaevipes. Genetics 37:8-25.
Stebbins, G.L., J. Jenkins, & M. Walters. 1953. Chromosomes and phylogeny in the Compositae, Tribe Cichorieae. University of California Publications in Botany 26:401-430.
Muller, C.H. 1954. A new species of Quercus in Arizona. Madroño 12:140-145.
Muller, C.H. 1954. Una nueva especie de Quercus de la Sierra Madre Occidental de Mexico. Anales del Instituto de Biología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico. Serie Botánica. 24:269-273.
Walters, M. 1954. A study of pseudobivalents in meiosis of two interspecific hybrids of Bromus. American Journal of Botany 41:160-171.
Walters, M. 1955. A study of half-chromatid fragments in meiosis of the hybrid Bromus trinii x B. maritimus. University of California Publications in Botany 28:1-18.
Moseley, M.F. 1955. Studies of the Garryaceae – I. The comparative morphology and phylogeny. Phytomorphology 5:314-346.
Moseley, M.F. 1956. The anatomy of the water storage organ of Ceiba parvifolia. Tropical Woods 104:61-79.
Moseley, M.F. 1958. Morphological studies of the Nymphaeaceae. I. The nature of the stamens. Phytomorphology 8:1-29.
Walters, M. 1958. Aberrant chromosome movement and spindle formation in meiosis of Bromus hybrids: An interpretation of spindle organization. American Journal of Botany 45:271-289.
Symposium Proceedings (peer reviewed):
Wilken, D. & E. Schneider. 1999. Research in conservation biology at the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden: An integrated approach. in Proceedings of the 5th International Botanic Gardens Conservation Congress. Cape Town, South Africa.
Haller, J., S. Junak, & E. Schneider. 1998. The California Channel Islands: A continental archipelago with a remarkable flora. Pages 18-22 in D. H. Touchel and K. W. Dixon, editors. Proceedings of the Fourth International Botanic Gardens Conservation Congress: Extended Abstracts of Posters. Kings Park and Botanic Garden.
Haller, J.R. 1997. Transverse Ranges. Pages 158-159 (plus photos) in P. M. Faber, editor. California’s wild gardens: A living legacy.
Junak, S. 1997. Northern Channel Islands. In P. M. Faber, editor. California’s wild gardens: A living legacy.
Junak, S. & C. Bornstein. 1997. Plants from California’s northern Channel Islands with horticultural potential. Pages 62-75 in B. O’Brien, L. Fuentes, and L. Newcombe, editors. Out of the wild and into the garden I: A symposium of California’s horticulturally significant plants. Occasional Publication 1. Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden.
Oberbauer, T. and S. Junak. 1997. Channel Islands. in California’s Wild Gardens.
Wilken, D. 1996. Demography of Ipomopsis aggregata ssp. weberi, a rare plant of northern Colorado. Pages 13-18 in J. Maschinski et al. (eds.) Proceedings, Second Southwestern Rare and Endangered Plants Conference. USDA, Forest Service, Flagstaff, AZ.
Junak, S. & R. Philbrick. 1994. The flowering plants of San Martin Island, Baja California, Mexico. Pages 429-4478 in W. Halvorson and G. Maender, editors. The Fourth California Islands Symposium: Update on the Status of Resources. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History.
Junak, S. & R. Philbrick. 1994. The vascular plants of Todos Santos Island, Baja California, Mexico. Pages 407-428 in W. Halvorson and G. Maender, editors. The Fourth California Islands Symposium: Update on the Status of Resources. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History.
Laughrin, L., M. Carroll, A. Bromfield, & J. Carroll. 1994. Trends in vegetation changes with removal of feral animal grazing pressures on Santa Catalina Island. Pages 523-530 in W. Halvorson and G. Maender, editors. The Fourth California Islands Symposium: Update on the Status of Resources. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History.
Carroll, M., L. Laughrin, & A. Bromfield. 1993. Fire on the California Islands: Does it Play a Role in Chaparral and Closed Cone Pine Forest Habitats? Pages 73-88 in F. Hochberg, editor. Third California Islands Symposium: Recent Advances in Research on the California Islands. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History.
Davis, W. & S. Junak. 1993. Hybridization between Malacothrix polycephala and M. incana (Asteraceae) on San Nicolas Island; California. Pages 89-95 in F. Hochberg, editor. Third California Islands Symposium: Recent Advances in Research on the California Islands. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History.
Jones, J., S. Junak, & R. Paul. 1993. Progress in mapping vegetation on Santa Cruz Island and a preliminary analysis of relationships with environmental factors. Pages 97-104 in F. Hochberg, editor. Third California Islands Symposium: Recent Advances in Research on the California Islands. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History.
Junak, S. & J. Vanderwier. 1990. An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of San Nicolas Island, California. Pages 121-145 in Proceedings of the Fifth Biennial Mugu Lagoon / San Nicolas Island Ecological Research Symposium. Naval Air Station.
Odion, D.C. & N.M. Nadkarni. 1985. The effects of seeding an exotic grass (Lolium multiflorum) on native seedling regeneration following fire in a chaparral community. Pages 115-121 in J. J. DeVries (ed), Proceedings of the Symposium on Chaparral Ecosystems. University of California, Davis, Water Resources Center, Report 62.
Bornstein, C., M. Carroll, & D. Odion. 1987. Revegetation in Santa Barbara County: Enduring dilemmas and potential solutions. Pages 76-91 in Proceedings of the Native Plant Revegetation Symposium. California Native Plant Society.
Odion, D., T. Dudley, & C. D’Antonio. 1987. Cattle grazing in southeastern Sierran meadows: Ecosystem change and prospects for recovery. Pages 277-292 in C. A. Hall and V. Doyle-Jones (eds.), Plant Biology of Eastern California Natural History of the White-Inyo Range Symposium. White Mountain Research Station, Symposium Volume 2.
Hochberg, M. 1980. Factors affecting leaf Size of chaparral shrubs on the California Islands. Pages 189-206 in D. Power, editor. The California Islands: Proceedings of a Multidisciplinary Symposium. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History.
Hochberg, M., Junak, R. Philbrick, & S. Timbrook. 1980. Historical changes in the vegetation of Anacapa Island. Pages 431-446 in Proceedings of the Second Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks. National Park Service.
Junak, S., M. Hochberg, R. Philbrick, and S. Timbrook. 1980. Plant communities of Anacapa Island, California. Pages 221-231 in Proceedings of the Second Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks. National Park Service.
Philbrick, R. 1980. Distribution and evolution of endemic plants of the Channel Islands. Pages 173-187 in D. Power, editor. The California Islands: Proceedings of a Multidisciplinary Symposium. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History.
Vivrette, N. 1980. Zonation of coastal plant species and their correlation with salt levels in the soil. Pages 207-213 in D. Power, editor. The California Islands: Proceedings of a Multidisciplinary Symposium. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History.
Philbrick, R., ed. 1967. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Biology of the California Islands, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden.
Walters, M. 1968. Evidence on chromosome pairing from the pre-leptotene spiral stage in Lilium longiflorum. In National Meetings of the Genetics Society of America.
Technical Reports and Non-Peer Reviewed Articles:
Junak, S. & D. Wilken. 1998. Sensitive plant status survey, NALF San Clemente Island, California. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden Technical Report No. 1. Report to Natural Resources Division, US Navy, NALF San Clemente Island.
Junak, S., S. Chaney, R. Philbrick, & R. Clark. 1997. A checklist of vascular plants of Channel Islands National Park (Second Edition). Southwest Parks and Monument Association.
McEachern, K., D. Wilken, & K. Chess. 1997. Inventory and monitoring of California island candidate plant taxa. Report to Species at Risk program, USGS-Biological Research Division. Open File Report 2000-73, Ventura, California. 46 pages.
Halvorson, W., S. Junak, C. Schwemm, & T. Keeney. 1996. Plant communities of San Nicolas Island, California. Technical Report 55. National Biological Service; Cooperative Park Studies Unit; University of Arizona.
Junak, S., W. Halvorson, C. Schwemm, & T. Keeney. 1996. Sensitive plants of San Nicolas Island, California (Phase 2). Technical Report 57. U.S. Geological Survey; Cooperative Park Studies Unit; University of Arizona.
Wilken, D. 1996. Reproductive strategies of four plants restricted to the northern Channel Islands.
Junak, S., W. Halvorson, C. Schwemm, & T. Keeney. 1995. Sensitive plants of San Nicolas Island, California (Phase 1). Technical Report 51. National Biological Service, Cooperative Park Studies Unit; University of Arizona.
Junak, M., S. Junak, & R. Philbrick. 1983. A Comparison of vegetation transect measurements made on Santa Barbara Island in 1978, 1979, 1982. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden.
Philbrick, R., S. Junak, & M. Caroll. 1987. Checklist of vascular plants of Channel Islands National Park. Southwest Parks and Monuments Association.
Hochberg, M., S. Junak, & R. Philbrick. 1980. Botanical Study of Santa Cruz Island for the Nature Conservancy. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden.
Hochberg, M., S. Junak, R. Philbrick, & S. Timbrook. 1979. Botany. Pages 5.1-5.85 in D. Power, editor. Natural Resources Study of Channel Islands National Monument, California. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
Cusser, S., S. Jha, E. Lonsdorf, & T. Ricketts. 2023. Public and private economic benefits of adopting conservation tillage for cotton pollination. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 342, 108251.
Mulroy, T.W., C.M. Guilliams, and K. Hasenstab-Lehman. 2023. Three new Dudleya taxa (Crassulaceae) from coastal northwestern Baja California, Mexico. Madroño 70(1): 23-66.
Technical Reports & Non-peer-reviewed Articles:
Cusser, S., K.E. Etter, & D. Knapp. Floral Visitors of Deinandra increscens ssp. villosa. 2022 Preliminary Findings Report prepared for BayWa r.e. Wind LLC by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 14 pp.
Cusser, S., K.E. Etter, & D. Knapp. 2022. Restoring pollination networks for the California Jewelflower. 2022 Preliminary findings report prepared for the Bureau of Land Management by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, CA. 13 pp.