
Restoring Habitats

Reweaving the Tapestry of Life

Building Ecological Resilience 

Diverse native vegetation is essential for providing the slope stabilization, watershed protection, wildlife habitat, and other benefits that we rely on as humans — and we can all help by making sure that our wildlands don’t turn into big bare patches or a sea of weeds. From the preparatory surveys and prioritization to experimental trials and the dirty work of weeding and seeding, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden works with volunteers like you to create resilient communities. 

LAndscape Transformations

Transforming our Public Spaces

Over the next five years, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden will be transforming public gardens and other open spaces around Santa Barbara County to native habitat havens.

Through this project, we will increase climate resiliency and biological diversity while improving human health and well-being. 

Biologist talking to a group of citizens about native plants

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