The Sixth California Islands Symposium

Led by the Institute for Wildlife Studies and National Park Service

2005: Proceedings of the Sixth California Islands Symposium

Edited by D.K. Garcelon and C.A. Schwemm

With financial support from: The Santa Cruz Island Foundation, The Nature Conservancy, Western National Parks Association, Channel Islands Aviation, Island Packers, the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, and the Gold Coast Innovation Center. Proceedings funded by: the Mediterranean Coast Learning Center of the National Park Service.

Edited by Catherin A. Schwemm (National Park Service) and David K. Garcelon (Institute for Wildlife Studies) with support from Greg Schmidt, Christine Steele, Mike Glassow, Tim Coonan, and especially Laura Quattrini.

Archaeology and Paleontology

Agenbroad, L. D., J. R. Johnson, D. Morris, and T. W. J. Stafford. 2005. Mammoths and humans as late Pleistocene contemporaries on Santa Rosa Island. Pages 3–7 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Erlandson, J. M., T. C. Rick, J. A. Estes, M. H. Graham, T. J. Braje, and R. L. Vellanoweth. 2005. Sea otters, shellfish, and humans: 10,000 years of ecological interaction on San Miguel Island, California. Pages 9–21 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Glassow, M. A. 2005. Variation in marine fauna utilization by middle Holocene occupants of Santa Cruz Island. Pages 23–34 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Guthrie, M. A. 2005. Distribution and provenance of fossil avifauna on San Miguel Island. Pages 35–42 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Martz, P. C. 2005. Prehistoric settlement and subsistence on San Nicolas Island. Pages 65–82 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Perry, J. E. 2005. Early period resource use on Eastern Santa Cruz Island. Pages 43–53 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Rick, T. C., D. J. Kennett, and J. M. Erlandson. 2005. Preliminary report on the archaeology and paleoecology of the abalone rocks estuary, Santa Rosa Ialnd, California. Pages 55–63 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Schwartz, S. J. 2005. Some observations on the material culture of the Nicoleno. Pages 83–91 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Geologic, Natural, and Recent Human History

Bushing, W. W. 2005b. History of the Catalina Island School, Toyon Bay, 1928-1943. Pages 161–167 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Carter, B. 2005. Drainage disruption caused by a previously unidentified large prehistoric bedrock slump on Santa Cruz Island, California. Pages 95–102 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Collins, P. W., D. A. Guthrie, T. C. Rick, and J. M. Erlandson. 2005. Analysis of prey remains excavated from an historic bald eagle nest site on San Miguel Island, California. Pages 103–120 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Gherini, J. 2005. Radio Santa Cruz: A glimpse of island ranch life from 1951 to 1984. Pages 121–130 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Kinlan, B. P., M. H. Graham, and J. M. Erlandson. 2005. Late Quaternary changes in the size and shape of the California Channel Islands: Implications for marine subsidies to terrestrial communities. Pages 131–142 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Oberbauer, T. 2005. A comparison of estimated historic and current vegetation community structure on Guadalupe Island, Mexico. Pages 143–153 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Schwemmer, R. V. 2005. History and site assessment of the shipwreck Cuba. Pages 155–160 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Marine Ecology and Restoration

Alstatt, J. M. 2005. Restoration of a historic eelgrass (Zostera marina) bed at Frenchy’s Cove, Anacapa Island. Pages 397–403 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Behrens, M. D., and K. D. Lafferty. 2005. Size frequency measures of white abalone with implications for conservation. Pages 415–420 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Blanchette, C. A., D. V. Richards, J. M. Engle, B. R. Broitman, and S. D. Gaines. 2005. Regime shifts, community change and population booms of keystone predators at the Channel Islands. Pages 435–441 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Bushing, W. W. 2005a. From the mountains to the sea: Sunlight, island topography and giant kelp. Pages 443–452 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Chambers, M. D., H. Hurn, C. S. Friedman, and G. R. VanBlaricom. 2005. Drift card simulation of larval dispersal from San Nicolas Island, CA, during black abalone spawning season. Pages 421–434 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Engle, J. M., and K. A. Miller. 2005. Distribution and morphology of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) at the California Channel Islands. Pages 405–414 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Gelpi, C. G., and K. E. Norris. 2005. Seasonal and high-frequency ocean temperature dynamics at Santa Catalina Island. Pages 461–471 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Hatfield, B. B. 2005. The translocation of sea otters to San Nicolas Island: An update. Pages 473–475 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Henry, A. E., J. D. McDaniel, and C. D. Chan. 2005. Size differences, by sex, of adult market squid (Loligo opalescens) at-harvest in distinct temperature areas near the Channel Islands. Pages 453–460 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Holst, M., J. W. Lawson, W. J. Richardson, S. J. Schwartz, and G. Smith. 2005. Pinniped responses during Navy missile launches at San Nicolas Island, California. Pages 477–484 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Lafferty, K. D., and M. D. Behrens. 2005. Temporal variation in the state of rocky reefs: Does fishing increase the vulnerability of kelp forests to disturbance? Pages 499–508 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Lowry, M. S., and O. Maravilla-Chavez. 2005. Recent abundance of California sea lions in western Baja California, Mexico and the United States. Pages 485–497 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Terrestrial Ecology and Restoration – Animals

Aarhus, A. J. 2005. Abundance and distribution of the Santa Catalina Island shrew (Sorex ornatus willetti) on Santa Catalina Island, California. Pages 249–255 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Bakker, V. J., D. K. Garcelon, E. T. Aschehous, K. R. Crooks, C. Newman, G. A. Schmidt, D. H. Van Vuren, and R. Woodroffe. 2005. Current status of the Santa Cruz Island fox (Urocyon littoralis santacruzae). Pages 275–286 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Collins, C. T., and K. A. Corey. 2005. Territory acquisition by island scrub-jays: How to become a breeder. Pages 257–262 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Coonan, T. J., K. Rutz, D. K. Garcelon, B. C. Latta, M. M. Gray, and E. T. Aschehoug. 2005. Progress in island fox reco efforts on the northern Channel Islands. Pages 263–273 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Cooper, D. M., E. L. Kershner, and D. K. Garcelon. 2005. The use of shock collars to prevent island fox (Urocyon littoralis) predation on the endangered San Clemente loggerhead shrike (Lanius ludovicianus mearnsi). Pages 287–297 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Dooley, J. A., P. B. Sharpe, and D. K. Garcelon. 2005. Movements, foraging, and survival of bald eagles reintroduced on the northern Channel Islands, California. Pages 313–321 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Garcelon, D. K., K. P. Ryan, and P. T. Schuyler. 2005. Feral pig eradication on Santa Catalina Island, California. Pages 331–340 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Howald, G. R., K. R. Faulkner, B. Tershy, B. Keitt, H. Gellerman, E. M. Creel, M. Grinnell, S. T. Ortega, and D. A. Croll. 2005. Eradication of black rats from Anacapa Island: Biological and social considerations. Pages 299–312 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Latta, B. C., D. E. Driscoll, J. L. Linthicum, R. E. Jackman, and G. Doney. 2005. Capture and translocation of golden eagles from the California Channel Islands to mitigate depredation of endemic island foxes. Pages 341–350 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands Symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Powell, J. A. 2005. Assessment of inventory effort for Lepidoptera (Insecta) and the status of endemic species on Santa Barbara Island, California. Pages 351–371 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Schwemm, C. A., J. T. Ackerman, P. L. Martin, and W. Perry. 2005. Nest occupancy and hatching success of Xantus’s murrelets (Synthliboramphus hypoleucus) breeding on Santa Barbara Island, California during a twenty-year period. Pages 385–394 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Schwemm, C. A., and P. Martin. 2005. Response of nest success of Xantus’s murrelets (Synthliboramphus hypoleucus) to native predator abundance, Santa Barbara Island, California. Pages 373–384 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Sharpe, P. B., and D. K. Garcelon. 2005. Restoring and monitoring bald eagles in Southern California: The legacy of DDT. Pages 323–330 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Sweitzer, R. A., J. M. Constible, D. H. Van Vuren, P. T. Schuyler, and F. R. Starkey. 2005. History, habitat use and management of bison on Catalina Island, California. Pages 231–248 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands Symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Terrestrial Ecology and Restoration – Plants and Fungi

Barthell, J. F., R. W. Thorp, A. M. Wenner, J. M. Randall, and D. S. Mitchell. 2005. Seed set in a non-native, self-compatible thistle on Santa Cruz Island: Implications for the invasion of an island ecosystem. Pages 185–191 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Grubisha, L. C., J. M. Trappe, and T. D. Bruns. 2005. Preliminary record of ectomycorrhizal fungi on two California Channel Islands. Pages 171–183 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Knapp, D. A. 2005a. Rare plants in the Goat Harbor Burn Area, Santa Catalina Island, California. Pages 205–211 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Knapp, D. A. 2005b. Vegetation community mapping on Santa Catalina Island using orthorectification and GIS. Pages 193–203 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

Stratton, L. C. 2005. Santa Catalina Island experimental restoration trials: Developing appropriate techniques. Pages 213–227 in D. K. Garcelon and C. A. Schwemm, editors. Proceedings of the sixth California Islands symposium. Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA.

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