
Kristen Hasenstab-Lehman, Ph.D.

Kristen is a plant systematist, a botanist, and the conservation geneticist of the Conservation Genetics Plant Lab.

Kristen Hasenstab-Lehman, Ph.D., is a plant systematist, a botanist, and the conservation geneticist of the Conservation Genetics Plant Lab at Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. She integrates field studies, molecular tools, and histological techniques to document biodiversity and to understand the interplay of ecological and evolutionary effects on plants of conservation concern. After earning a master’s degree at San Diego State University, Kristen earned her doctorate in botany at Claremont Graduate University at California Botanic Garden (formerly Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden). She worked at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History managing the plant DNA barcoding lab. She has worked with California’s native plants since 2006. 

Research interests: floristics, plant systematics, DNA barcoding and meta-barcoding, population genomics, phylogenomics/phylogenetics, taxonomy, morphometrics, Boraginales, Dudleya, biogeography 



Journal Articles (peer reviewed):

Mulroy, T., Guilliams, C.M. and K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman. 2023. Three new dudleya taxa (Crassulaceae) from coastal northwestern Baja California, México. Madroño, 70(1), 23-66.


Journal Articles (peer reviewed):

Kofron, C.P., Termondt, S.E., Lum, L.H. Schneider, H.E., Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E. and C.M. Guilliams. 2022. Status of Lompoc Yerba Santa Eriodictyon capitatum (Namaceae): an Endangered Plant in Santa Barbara County, Southern California Bull. Southern California Acad. Sci. 121(3), 2022, pp: 139–159.

Simpson, M.G., K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman, M.E. Mabry, & M. Munoz-Schick. 2022. Johnstonella punensis (Boraginaceae), a new species endemic to the dry Puna of Chile. PhytoKeys 197: 149-164.

Technical Reports and non-peer reviewed articles:

Guilliams, C.M., K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman, and H. Schneider 2022. Census and conservation seed banking of northern island mallow (Malva assurgentiflora (Kell.) M.F. Ray subsp. assurgentiflora; Malvaceae) on San Miguel and Anacapa Islands, Channel Islands National Park. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 20 pages.

Guilliams, C.M., and K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman. 2022.  Conservation genomics of Lompoc yerba santa (Eriodictyon capitatum, Namaceae), including phylogenomic insights into the evolution of Eriodictyon 1 Department of Conservation and Research, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, 35 pages.

Hasenstab-Lehman K.E., Kauppinen S.N., Guilliams C.M., Hazelquist C.H., Thompson D, and McEachern KM. 2022. Using genetic data to guide conservation actions for the endangered single-island endemic plant Castilleja mollis (soft-leaved paint brush) Year 2 progress draft report prepared for United States Fish and Wildlife Service by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California, 86 pages.

Hasenstab-Lehman K.E. and C.M. Guilliams. 2022. Conservation genomics of island mallow (Malva assurgentiflora, Malvaceae). Draft report prepared for California Institute of Environmental Studies (CIES) by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California, 48 pages.

Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E. and C.M. Guilliams. 2022. Metabarcoding study of the San Clemente Island fox (Urocyon littoralis clementae) with a focus on invertebrate and plant contributions across sampling sites. Unpublished final report prepared for The U.S. Navy by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California.

Namoff S.M., Hasenstab-Lehman K.E., Guilliams C.M., and H. Schneider. 2022. Conservation genomics of island rush-rose (Crocanthemum greenei (B.L. Rob.) Sorrie, Cistaceae): Effects of historical land  management practices on the genetic structure and diversity of a Channel Islands endemic plant. Final draft report prepared for California Department of Fish and Wildlife by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 41pages.


Journal Articles (peer reviewed):

Guilliams, C.M., K. Hasenstab-Lehman, J. Bailey, M. Bailey. 2021. Noteworthy collection, California, Cyrtomium falcatum, Santa Cruz Island. Madroño 68(2):  67-68.

Guilliams, C.M. & K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman. 2021. Simpsonanthus, in Jepson Flora Project          (eds.) Jepson eFlora, Revision 9, https://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/eflora/eflora_display.php?              tid=82940.

K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman, Kelley, R.B., & M.G. Simpson. 2021. Oreocarya, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, Revision 9, https://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/eflora/eflora_display.php?tid=68980.

Kelley, R.B., Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E. & M.G. Simpson. 2021. Greeneocharis, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, Revision 9, https://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/eflora/eflora_display.php?tid=68572.

Simpson, M.G., Guilliams, C.M., Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E., & R.B. Kelley. 2021. Boraginaceae, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, Revision 9, https://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/eflora/eflora_display.php?tid=69.

Simpson, M.G., Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E., Mabry, M.E., and R.B. Kelley. 2021. Cryptantha, in    Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, Revision 9, https://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/eflora/eflora_display.php?tid=10465.

Simpson, M.G., Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E. & Ronald B. Kelley. 2021. Johnstonella, in Jepson Flora Project (eds.) Jepson eFlora, Revision 9, https://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/eflora/eflora_display.php?tid=99958.

Technical Reports and non-peer reviewed articles:

Guilliams, C.M., & K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman. 2021. Conservation genomics of the endangered Indian Knob mountainbalm (Eriodictyon altisssimum, Namaceae). Unpublished report to US FIsh and Wildlife Service. Santa Barbara, CA. 27 pp.

Guilliams, C.M., K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman, J. Lesage, K. Etter, & D. Knapp. 2021. Gap analysis of the California Channel Islands: Vascular plants. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 56 pages.

Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E., Guilliams, C.M., McEachern, K.A., & Thompson, D.A. 2021. Using genetics data to guide conservation actions for the endangered single-island endemic plant Castilleja mollis Pennel (soft-leaved island paintbrush). Unpublished report to US FIsh and Wildlife Service. Santa Barbara, CA. 15 pp.


Journal Articles (peer reviewed):

Guilliams, C.M., K. Hasenstab-Lehman, & B.G. Baldwin. 2020. Nomenclatural changes in western North American Amsinckiinae (Boraginaceae). Novon 28:51-59.

Technical Reports and non-peer reviewed articles:

Hasenstab-Lehman, K. & C.M. Guilliams. 2020. Evaluating taxonomic circumscription in Dudleya cymosa and D. parva using high-throughput restriction-site associated DNA sequencing, with an emphasis on rare and potentially undescribed subspecies in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 37 pages.

HasenstabLehman, K., C.M. Guilliams, & E.A. Thomas. 2020. California Channel Islands Reference Library. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, California. 21 pages.

Hasenstab-Lehman, K., C.M. Guilliams, R.R. Naesborg, & C. Richart. 2020. Biodiversity Conservation on San Nicolas Island. Ironwood 28(2): 4-7.

Guilliams, C.M. & K. Hasenstab-Lehman. 2020. High-throughput sequencing reveals a complicated evolutionary history between endangered Dudleya verityi, (Crassulaceae) and a widespread congener, D. lanceolata. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 45 pages.

Guilliams, C.M. & K. Hasenstab-Lehman. 2020. Naval Base Ventura County, San Nicolas Island Terrestrial Flora Program Draft Final Report: Developing Botanical Resources for U.S. Navy California Channel Islands: Specimen Processing and Imaging, and a Checklist for San Nicolas Island. Cooperative Agreement N62473-17-2-0005. Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Santa Barbara, California. 61 pages.

Guilliams, C.M.& K. Hasenstab-Lehman. 2020. Checklist of the vascular flora of San Nicolas Island, California, Version 1. Originally published online May 1, 2020, updated continually thereafter. www.cch2.org

Book Sections:

Guilliams, C.M., K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman,and R. Kelley. 2020. Amsinckiopsis. For: The Flora of Oregon, Corvallis, OR.

Guilliams, C.M., K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman,and R. Kelley. 2020. Plagiobothrys. For: The Flora of Oregon, Corvallis, OR.


Journal Articles (peer reviewed):

Simpson, M.G., M.E. Mabry, & K. Hasenstab-Lehman. 2019. Transfer of six species of Cryptantha to the genus Johnstonella (Boraginaceae). Phytotaxa 425:279–289.

Technical Reports and non-peer reviewed articles:

Guilliams, C.M., K. Hasenstab-Lehman, & A.J. Searcy. Winter 2019/2020. Community scientists use iNaturalist to map the distribution of a weed on-the-move: Urospermum picroides (Asteraceae). Dispatch, Cal-IPC Newsletter 27(3): 4-5.

Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E. & C.M. Guilliams. 2019. Draft report on the conservation genetics of beach spectaclepod (Dithyrea maritima (Davison) Davison; Brassicaceae). Unpublished report submitted to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.


Technical Reports and non-peer reviewed articles:

Guilliams, C.M., A.I. Hernandez, & K. Hasenstab-Lehman. 2018. Naval Base Ventura County, San Nicolas Island Erosion Control Program Final Report: Population genetic study of island mallow (Malva assurgentiflora) across the Channel Islands archipelago to assess provenance of plants from San Nicolas Island. Cooperative Agreement Number N62473-14-2-00015. Unpublished report. Santa Barbara, California.


Journal Articles (peer reviewed):

Guilliams, C.M., K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman, M. Mabry, & M.G. Simpson 2017. Memoirs of a frequent flier: phylogenomics reveals 18 long-distance dispersals in the popcorn flowers (Amsinckiinae, Boraginaceae). American Journal of Botany, Special Issue on American Amphitropical Disjunction, 104: 1717-1728.

Hasenstab-Lehman, K.E. 2017. Phylogenetics of the borage family: delimiting Boraginaceae and assessing closest relatives. Aliso 35(1) 41-49.

Simpson, M.G., C.M. Guilliams, K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman, M. Mabry, & L. Ripma 2017. Phylogeny of the popcorn flowers: Use of genome skimming to evaluate monophyly and interrelationships in subtribe Amsinckiinae (Boraginaceae). Taxon 66 (6): 1406-1420.

Books and Book Chapters:

Riley, J. with contributions by S. Alfaro, M.C. Arteaga, C.M. Guilliams, K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman, A. Garcia Peralta, & J. Simancas. 2017. A Field Guide to the Vernal Pools of Baja California, Mexico.  Jardín Botanico de San Quintín, San Quintín.


Journal Articles (peer reviewed):

Chacón, J., F. Luebert, H. Hilger, S. Ovchinnikova, F. Selvi, L. Cecchi, C.M. Guilliams, K. Hasenstab-Lehman, K. Sutorý, M.G. Simpson, & M. Weigend 2016. The borage family (Boraginaceae s.str.): A revised infrafamilial classification based on new phylogenetic evidence, with emphasis on the placement of some enigmatic genera. Taxon 65 (3): 523-546.

Guilliams, C.M., K. Hasenstab-Lehman, José Delgadillo, & B.G. Baldwin 2016. Vernal pool landscapes of Baja California, México: an on-going project to assess vernal pool loss and protect what remains. Studies from the Herbarium, Number 18, California State University, Chico.

Luebert, F., L. Cecchi, M.W. Frohlich, M. Gottschling, C.M. Guilliams, K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman & 15 others 2016. Familial classification of the Boraginales. Taxon 65 (3): 502-522.

Conservation Geneticist
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