
Landscape Transformation Project Community Forums

Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
August 16, 2023 -
September 13, 2023

Santa Barbara Botanic Garden wants to enhance one of Santa Barbara’s most beloved open spaces, Elings Park, and we’d love to talk about it with you! Please join us for one of four community forums between August 16th and September 13th to discuss opportunities to beautify and build biological diversity and climate resilience at Santa Barbara’s central park. Share what you love about Elings, learn what we have in mind, offer your feedback, and find out how you can help.

Dates, Times, and Registration:

Wednesday August 16 | Zoom | 6:30 – 8:00 PM

Saturday, August 19 | Elings Park’s Godric Grove | 10 – 11 AM

Tuesday, September 5 | Elings Park’s Godric Grove | 5:30-7:00 PM

Wednesday, September 13 | Santa Barbara Botanic Garden’s Blaksley Library | 5:30-7:00 PM

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