Recognize Those You Love

Tribute Giving
In Honor, Memory, or Celebration
Santa Barbara Botanic Garden holds beloved memories for so many people — from inspiring a love for nature and watching your kids grow to walks and talks with longtime friends and even marriage proposals. Your stories are what make this Garden so special.
Memorialize these moments through a Commemorative Bench or by sponsoring a favorite native plant — your loved ones will be honored for decades to come.
development team
805.682.4726, ext. 156

Commemorative Benches
Commemorative benches are a special way to celebrate a big anniversary or birthday, honor family and friends, or remember a loved one who has passed. Or, they can simply show the community your commitment to conserving native plants. Whatever the intention, these meaningful tributes and memorials create beautiful places to rest and enjoy nature throughout the Garden.
Gifts of commemorative benches are on a 20-year lease, and the donation range is $25,000 to $100,000 depending on its location. Bench gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law and provide critical financial support for the Garden’s core programs.
Are you looking for your or your loved one’s bench? Check out our interactive map here.
Commemorative Benches

James and Gertrude Mastoris, north Manzanita Section

Connie Harvie, Redwood Section

Joy DuPuis, Redwood Section at bottom of Indian Steps

Richard S. Davis and Phyllis I. Anderson, Information Kiosk

E. Blair McLean, Manzanita Section

Carol Bullard Nugent, north side of Blaksley Boulder

John Parke, near Backcountry Section entrance

Poyourow Bench, eastside of trail at top of Meadow Section

Audrey Rodgers, Canyon Trail

Honoring the Santa Barbara Foundation, outside Arroyo Room

Honoring Anna Jacqueline Rhodes, sits along Pritchett Trail. (Photo: Melissa Ha-Navarro)
Plant a Tribute
Whether for a special occasion or to remember a loved one who has passed, a plant tribute is a wonderful way to honor someone special in your life.
Your tribute is guaranteed a minimum of five years, but often extends longer depending on the life of the plant and the condition of the sign. Plant adoption begins at $2,500 and goes up to $10,000, depending on location and species. Cost includes sign fabrication, installation, and maintenance of the plant and sign.

Sponsored Plants

Desmond Pace Bell, Porter Trail

Reeny Castellanos, Wooded Dell Section

Kath Lavidge and Ed McKinley, west side of Meadow Section

Lim Bun Siong, west side of Meadow Section

Charles Stauffer, Pritzlaff Conservation Center entrance

Betsy Thies, west of Meadow Section