Privacy Policy

Santa Barbara Botanic Garden is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy and security online. Whether you’re browsing the Garden’s website, located at, or seeking to enter certain transactions, we want to make you comfortable with our privacy practices and the security measures we take to protect your personal information. While we’ve structured this website so that, in general, you can visit us online without identifying yourself or revealing any personal information, you may be required to provide personal information to access certain secured and detailed information and/or enter certain transactions.

Electronic Newsletters

We offer free, electronic newsletters, updates and e-mail reminders as a service to our registrants, based upon your voluntary subscription. You will only receive an electronic newsletter if you have opted-in to our mailing list. We do not share our mailing lists with any third parties, including advertisers or partners.

Confidentiality Statement

Santa Barbara Botanic Garden is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our members and donors. We value the trust you place in us by giving to our institution and take very seriously our responsibility to safeguard the integrity of the information you provide us.

Our Use of Personal Information

From time to time, the Garden’s staff will request you provide personal information to us. This information includes, but is not limited to, your name, address, telephone number, and/or e-mail address. This information is considered private and is used for internal purposes only. We restrict access of your personal information to those employees who process your donation and/or provide you with our services. All employees sign a confidentiality statement as a condition of their employment. Under no circumstances will we share, loan, barter, or sell information about you to any third party. If you authorize us in writing to provide your information to a trusted third party such as your accountant or attorney, we will oblige. Lastly, there may be times we disclose information because we are legally required to do so pursuant to a subpoena or court order.

What If I Have Additional Questions or Comments?

Questions regarding this policy should be directed to
You may also contact us by U.S. mail at:

Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
1212 Mission Canyon Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93105

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