Understand, Protect, Conserve, & Restore

A Comprehensive Approach

From Genes to Ecosystems

Conserving biological diversity starts with native plants, and Santa Barbara Botanic Garden takes a comprehensive approach — from the (sub)microscopic level of genes to the landscape level of ecosystems. This allows us to more thoroughly tackle the conservation challenges of our day, such as habitat loss and fragmentation, invasive species, climate change, and pollinator decline.

Our Approach

The Garden’s approach to conservation is a lot like layers of a cake — from a strong foundation, each layer relies on the next to be successful.  

Our Impact

With a team of scientists and partners, the Garden is leaving a lasting impact — from Baja California, Mexico, and the Channel Islands to the Bay Area and Sierra Nevada.

Our Honorees

Join us in honoring those who are making a life-long commitment to conservation and inspiring all of us to understand and act along the way.

Community Conservation

It’s going to take all of us to ensure native plants and habitats don’t go extinct. Join us right from your home base and help make a difference starting today.

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