
Access the Garden’s Nursery Inventory

Located in the courtyard at the Garden, the Nursery at Santa Barbara Botanic Garden is open to members and the public year round. Reservations are NOT required to shop.

Choose from the largest selection of California native plants on the central coast. The Nursery is open during regular business hours, closing 30 minutes before gates come down (10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) Remember, all members are eligible for a 10% discount – every visit. Not a member yet? Join now for this and other great perks.

Our knowledgeable staff members are available to answer your questions, give tips, and help you handpick the right California-native plants for your garden. With hundreds of varieties available, there is something for everyone to start planting.

Interested in only shopping? No problem.

The Nursery is located at 1212 Mission Canyon Road, just inside the Garden entrance. If you’re interested only in shopping with us, please park in one of our “member” parking spots then check-in at the front kiosk where you’ll be given a shopper pass. 

What native plants do you have in stock?

Our inventory is always changing so stop in and browse our diverse selection of straight species or native cultivars that we have curated based on their unique beauty and utility in designed native gardens. Or, to get a sense of what we have in stock before you visit, check out our inventory list posted below. Right now, we update this resource list on a monthly basis (at the front of the month) so please be aware that some inventory will sell out.

  • Adiantum capillus-veneris  ‘Banksianum’-  Maidenhair Fern, 1 gallon
  • Blechnum spicant – Deer Fern, 5 gallon
  • Polystichum munitum – Western Sword Fern, 5 gallon
  • Woodwardia fimbriata – Giant Chain Fern, 1 gallon
  • Woodwardia fimbriata – Giant Chain Fern, 15 gallon
Grasses, Grass-Like, and Bulb Inventory
  • Calamagrostis foliosa Leafy Reed Grass, 3 gallon
  • Calamagrostis foliosa – Leafy Reed Grass, 1 gallon
  • Carex praegracillis – California Field Sedge, 4 inch
  • Festuca californica – California Fescue, 1 gallon
  • Festuca idahoensis ‘Tomales Bay’ – Tomales Bay Fescue, 1 gallon
  • Iris ‘Pacific Coast Hybrids’, 4 inch
  • Iris ‘Pacific Coast Hybrids’, 1 gallon
  • Juncus acutus – Spiny Rush, 1 gallon
  • Juncus ‘Occidental Blue’, 1 gallon
  • Juncus patens – Common Rush, 4 inch
  • Juncus patens ‘Elks Blue’ – Rush, 1 gallon
  • Leymus condensatus – Giant Wild Rye, 1 gallon
  • Leymus condensatus ‘Canyon Prince’ – ‘Canyon Prince’ Giant Rye, 1 gallon
  • Muhlenbergia rigens – Deer Grass, 1 gallon
  • Schoenoplectus californicus – California Bullrush, 1 gal
  • Sisyrinchium ‘Californian Skies’, 4 inch
  • Sisyrinchium ‘Californian Skies’, 1 gallon
  • Stipa pulchra – Purple Needlegrass, 1 gallon
Herbaceous Perennials
  • Achillea millefolium – ‘Cerise Queen’, 1 gallon
  • Achillea millefolium – Yarrow Size, 4 inch
  • Achillea millefolium ‘Astral Rose’, 1 gallon
  • Achillea millefolium ‘Island Pink’, 1 gallon
  • Achillea millefolium ‘Little Moonshine’, 1 gallon
  • Achillea millefolium ‘Red Velvet’, 4 inch
  • Achillea millefolium ‘Sonoma Coast’, 1 gallon
  • Achillea millefolium ‘Sonoma Coast’, 4 inch
  • Ambrosia pumila – San Diego Ambrosia, 1 gallon
  • Anemopsis californica – Yerba Mansa, 1 gallon
  • Artemisia douglasiana – Mugwort, 1 gallon
  • Aster chilensis ‘Point St. George’ – Point Saint George Aster, 1 gallon
  • Corethrogyne filaginifolia ‘Silver Carpet’ – Silver Carpet Aster, 1 gallon
  • Datura wrightii – Sacred Datura, 1 gallon
  • Epilobium canum ‘Catalina’, 1 gallon
  • Epilobium Septentrionale “Select Mottole”, 1 gallon
  • Epipactis gigantea – Stream Orchid, 1 gallon
  • Eriophyllum lanatum ‘Siskiyou’ – Siskiyou Woolly Sunflower, 1 gallon
  • Erythranthe cardinalis – Scarlet Monkeyflower, 1 gallon
  • Fragaria vesca ssp. californica ‘Montana de Oro’, 4 inch
  • Heuchera ‘Lillian’s Pink’, 1 gallon
  • Heuchera ‘Rosada’- Rosada Coral Bells, 1 gallon
  • Heuchera ‘Santa Ana Cardinal’ – Santa Ana Cardinal Coral Bells, 4 inch
  • Heuchera ‘Wendy’ – Wendy Coral Bells, 1 gallon
  • Horkelia cuneata – Coast Horkelia, 4 inch
  • Lobelia cardinalis – Scarlet Lobelia, 1 gallon
  • Penstemon davidsonii – Davidson’s Penstemon, 1 gallon
  • Penstemon pseudospectabilis – Desert Penstemon, 1 gallon
  • Potentilla anserina – Silverweed, 1 gallon
  • Romneya coulteri – Matilija poppy, 1 gallon
  • Romneya coulteri – Matilija poppy, 3 gallon
  • Salvia spathacea – Hummingbird Sage, 1 gallon
  • Salvia spathacea ‘Avis Keedy’ – Hummingbird Sage, 1 gallon
  • Scrophularia atrata – Black Flowered Bee Plant, 1 gallon
  • Solidago californica – California Goldenrod, 1 gallon
  • Symphoricarpos albus ‘Tilden Park’ – Tilden Park Snowberry, 5 gallon
  • Arctostaphylos densiflora ‘Howard McMinn’ – Howard McMinn Manzinita, 1 gallon
  • Arctostaphylos edmundsii ‘Big Sur’, 1 gallon
  • Arctostaphylos hookeri ‘Wayside’- ‘Wayside’ Manzanita, 1 gallon
  • Arctostaphylos ‘Pacific Mist’ – Pacific Mist Manzanita, 5 gallon
  • Arctostaphylos ‘Pacific Mist’ – Pacific Mist Manzanita, 1 gallon
  • Arctostaphylos ‘Sunset’ – Manzanita ‘Sunset’, 1 gallon
  • Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ‘Green Bay’, 1 gallon
  • Arctostaphylos ‘Vandenberg’, 1 gallon
  • Artemisia californica  ‘Canyon Gray’ – Canyon Gray Sagebrush, 4 inch
  • Artemisia palmeri – San Diego Sagewort, 1 gallon
  • Artemisia pycnocephala ‘David’s Choice’, 1 gallon
  • Atriplex canescens – Fourwing Saltbush, 1 gallon
  • Atriplex lentiformis – Quailbush, 1 gallon
  • Baccharis pilularis ‘Pigeon Point’ – Dwarf Coyote Bush, 4 inch
  • Baccharis pilularis ‘Pigeon Point’ – Dwarf Coyote Bush, 1 gallon
  • Baccharis pilularis ‘Twin Peaks’, 4 inch
  • Baccharis pilularis ‘Twin Peaks’, 1 gallon
  • Berberis repens – Creeping Oregon Grape, 1 gallon
  • Calliandra californica – Red Fairy Duster, 1 gallon
  • Calycanthus occidentalis – Spice Bush, 1 gallon
  • Carpenteria californica ‘Elizabeth’ – Elizabeth bush anemone, 5 gallon
  • Ceanothus ‘Anchor Bay’ – Anchor Bay Ceanothus, 1 gallon
  • Ceanothus arboreus ‘Powder Blue’, 1 gallon
  • Ceanothus arboreus ‘Powder Blue’, 5 gallon
  • Ceanothus hearstiorum – San Simeon Ceanothus, 1 gallon
  • Ceanothus ‘Joyce Coulter’ – Joyce Coulter Ceanothus, 1 gallon
  • Ceanothus ‘Julia Phelps’, 1 gallon
  • Ceanothus ‘Ray Hartman’, 5 gallon
  • Ceanothus thrysiflorus ‘Snow Flurry’, 5 gallon
  • Ceanothus thrysiflorus ‘Snow Flurry’, 1 gallon
  • Cercocarpus betuloides – Mountain Mahogany, 1 gallon
  • Encelia farinosa – Brittlebush, 1 gallon
  • Epilobium canum ‘Catalina’, 1 gallon
  • Ericameria ericoides – Mock Heather, 1 gallon
  • Eriogonum cinereum – Ashyleaf Buckwheat, 1 gallon
  • Eriogonum fasciculatum ‘Bruce Dickinson’, 1 gallon
  • Eriogonum fasciculatum ‘Dana Pt.’ – Dana Pt. California Buckwheat, 1 gallon
  • Eriogonum fasciculatum ‘Theodore Payne’, 1 gallon
  • Eriogonum giganteum – St. Catherine’s Lace, 1 gallon
  • Eriogonum parvifolium – Coastal Buckwheat, 1 gallon
  • Forestiera pubescens – Desert Olive, 1 gallon
  • Frangula californica – Coffeeberry, 1 gallon
  • Frangula californica ‘Leatherleaf’ – Leatherleaf Coffeeberry, 1 gallon
  • Gambelia ‘Firecracker’ – Firecracker Bush Snapdragon, 4 inch
  • Gambelia ‘Firecracker’ – Firecracker Bush Snapdragon, 1 gallon
  • Gambelia speciosa – Bush Snapdragon, 1 gallon
  • Gambelia speciosa ‘Pink Panther’, 1 gallon
  • Grindelia camporum, 1 gallon
  • Heteromeles arbutifolia – Toyon, 5 gallon
  • Heteromeles arbutifolia – Toyon, 1 gallon
  • Justicia californica – Chuparosa, 1 gallon
  • Keckiella cordifolia – Climbing Penstemon, 1 gallon
  • Lavatera ‘Black Heart’ – Black Heart Bush Mallow, 1 gallon
  • Lepechinia calycina – White Pitcher Sage, 1 gallon
  • Leptosyne gigantea – Giant Coreopsis, 4 inch
  • Leptosyne gigantea – Giant Coreopsis, 1 gallon
  • Lycium brevipes – Baja box-thorn, 1 gallon
  • Malosma laurina – Laurel Sumac, 1 gallon
  • Malva (Lavatera) ‘Purisima’ – Purisima Mallow, 5 gallon
  • Mimulus bifidus ‘White’, 1 gallon
  • Rhamnus crocea – Red berry, 1 gallon
  • Rhus ovata – Sugar Bush, 5 gallon
  • Ribes californicum – Hillside Gooseberry, 1 gallon
  • Ribes ‘Inverness White’, 1 gallon
  • Ribes sanguineum v. glutinosum ‘Claremont’, 5 gallon
  • Ribes viburnifolium – Catalina Currant, 5 gallon
  • Ribes viburnifolium – Catalina Currant, 1 gallon
  • Salvia apiana – White Sage, 1 gallon
  • Salvia clevelandii ‘Winnifred Gilman’ – Winnifred Gilman Sage, 1 gallon
  • Salvia clevelandii ‘Allen Chickering’, 1 gallon
  • Salvia clevelandii ‘Aromas’, 1 gallon
  • Salvia ‘Dara’s Choice’, 1 gallon
  • Salvia ‘Dara’s Choice’, 4 inch
  • Salvia ‘Pozo Blue’, 1 gallon
  • Solanum umbelliferum v incanum ‘Indians Grey’, 5 gallon
  • Solidago californica – California Goldenrod, 1 gallon
  • Agave deserti – Desert Agave, 1 gallon
  • Cylindropuntia prolifera – Coastal Cholla, 4 inch
  • Cylindropuntia prolifera – Coastal Cholla, 1 gallon
  • Dudleya caespitosa – Sand-lettuce, 1 gallon
  • Dudleya palmeri – Palmer’s Live-Forever, 1 gallon
  • Lewisia longipetala x ‘Little Plum’ Quill-leaved Lewisia, 4 inch
  • Lewisia x cotyledon ‘Rainbow’ – Rainbow Cliff Maids Hybrids, 4 inch
  • Opuntia vaseyi – Vasey’s prickly pear, 1 gallon
  • Yucca schidigera – Mojave Yucca, 1 gallon
  • Alnus rhombifolia – White Alder, 1 gallon
  • Betula occidentalis – Water Birch, 5 gallon
  • Juglans californica – California Black Walnut, 5 gallon
  • Morella californica – Pacific Wax Myrtle, 5 gallon
  • Pinus torreyana – Torrey Pine, 15 gallon
  • Platanus racemosa – Western Sycamore, 5 gallon
  • Prunus ilicifolia ssp. ilicifolia – Hollyleaf Cherry, 1 gallon
  • Prunus lyonii – Catalina Cherry, 5 gallon
  • Quercus agrifolia – Coast Live Oak, 15 gallon
  • Quercus agrifolia – Coast Live Oak, 5 gallon
  • Quercus lobata – Valley Oak, 5 gallon
  • Sambucus nigra ssp. caerulea – Blue Elderberry, 5 gallon
Nursery staff sharing their love of native plants

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